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Hi,I'm Natalie Irwin and I'm 17 years old,by the name you've probably guessed that I'm related somehow to Ashton Irwin,yeah he's my brother. We live with our mum,our brother Harry and our younger sister Lauren,our dad left when Ashton was 2 so I didn't get to meet or know him,from what mum tells me I don't think I want to ever meet him,they way he walked out when my mum was struggling,she lost her job and started to get into debt,then handling a chaotic toddler and being pregnant with me. Ashton didn't know much of our dad,mum never really liked to talk about it around it,it was a touchy subject for her to bring up.As weird as this sounds but Ash basically plays the Dad role for Harry and Lauren,they don't know who their dad is and they won't for a while,they've never question mum on it so I guess they aren't too phased of not having a dad around.

We're on spring break now,2 whole weeks school-free.We haven't had a break from school in ages and now we finally do,one problem.I didn't plan anything to do during these 2 weeks were off,I always use to tell my mum how I was going to do all this cool stuff during the 2 weeks off and so far I have nothing to do at all.

"Hey mum,I promised the boys that we could practice at our house today,is that okay" Ashton shouted from the top of the stairs.

"That's fine,there's snacks in the fridge and cupboard if you need them,I'm going to your aunts with Harry and Lauren so keep an eye on your sister whilst I'm gone in case anything happens!" Mum shouted from the other room.

"Mum I'm 17 I can look after myself,I don't need to have an eye kept on me,for god sake!" I shouted from my room,Ashton walks past my door to go back to his room,staring at me whilst he passed

"I've got my eyes on you" Ashton mumbled as he walked past.

"Leave me alone!" I scream in his face as I slam the door shut.

Ugh. I hate it when the boys come round,the house is so crowded seeing as it wasn't the biggest of houses.Mum didn't like being in the house when they practice as its real loud so she takes Harry and Lauren out leaving just me.I hate the way she thinks I'm still a child and not capable of looking after myself,I don't think she realizes that I'm 17 now and not 12.I sit down on my bed and turn my tv on and flick through all the channels,nothing is on,great.

The doorbell dings,great they're here already and I have nothing to do,I'm going to have to make myself look like I'm doing something to purely make them think I'm busy.

"Natalie go open the door for the boys" Ashton demanded

"why can't you?they're your friends?" I replied.

"Because I'm half naked that's why" Ashton murmured,lowering his voice incase the boys heard him from outside.

I chuckled and made my way downstairs to open the door.

"Hey Nat!" Calum said,welcoming me into a open hug.

"Hey cal!" I replied,accepting the request to hug and hugging him back.

"Where's Ash?" Michael asked looking rather confused.

"He's in his room,I'm not sure what he's doing,he's been in there all morning" I answer.

"Man things" Cal spurted,making the whole group laugh,including myself.

Ashton makes his way downstairs to find us all laughing.

"What's everybody laughing at?" Ashton asked,which just set us off even more.

"Doing things to yourself upstairs are we ash?" Cal teased,Ashton shot my a dirty look making the smile drop my face also immediately.

"What have you said Nat?" Ashton scolded,along with the stare that burnt into my skin.

"I didn't say anything,all I said was that you've been in your room all morning" I replied,Ashton's glare eased putting me a little less on spot.I didn't want to cause anymore trouble so I left the boys to get on and went into my room.My phone started buzzing when I sat on my bed,incoming call,Alicia.

"Hello?" I announce on the phone.

"Hey,are you busy?" Alicia asked.

"Not at all,I'm super bored and the boys are practicing downstairs" I reply,chuckling.

"Can I come over?I'm so bored and having nothing to do?" Alicia said.

"Sure,as long as you don't obsess over my brother again like you did last time you was here" I laughed.

"There's no promises" Alicia chuckled "I'll be over in 10" she added.

This was by far the longest 10 minute wait ever and I'm hungry,do I go down into the kitchen and get food and have an awkward encounter with one of the boys or do I wait in my room for Alicia?I think food wins over everything. I make my way out of my room to find Luke walking down the landing and by the looks of it he was going to the bathroom,me being the clumsy idiot I am I walk straight into him.

"I'm so sorry" I quickly murmur,slightly embarrassed by the fact I just walked into him.

"It's fine,it's my bad" Luke quickly replied.

"No seriously it's my fault,I walked out into you" I quickly shoot back.

"No seriously,it's fine" Luke replied with a smirk on his face. We both chuckle and walk our separate ways,however to my luck Ashton was stood at the top of the stairs watching me,I wonder what he thinks has just happened.

"You and Luke ey,I just seen that encounter" Ashton smirked.

"I walked into him and now were madly in love,that's the whole story Ashton" I joked.

"Knew it" Ashton said,playing along.

At times Ashton could be a real pain in the arse and is the most irritating person and I want to hit him so hard but then there's another side of him where I can get along with him and have a joke around and actually have the brother and sister bond,I didn't even bother going downstairs so I just went back into my room.

The doorbell goes off meaning Alicia has arrived,I tell Ashton to go answer the door,two reasons,One,because I simply cannot be bothered going downstairs to open the door and Two,so she can a heart attack because she literally obsesses over my brother because he's 'drop dead gorgeous' but he's my brother and she's my bestfriend so its incredibly gross.

I hear the front door open and hear Ashton and Alicia greeting each other and then I hear Alicia running up the stairs,before I know it my bedroom door swings wide open and Alicia comes running in.


"Lis calm down,it's only a hug it's nothing serious,plus it's weird how your obsessing over my brother" I reply.

"WELL ITS SERIOUS FOR ME,HE'S NEVER HUGGED ME BEFORE OH MY GOD" Alicia pronounced,I'm surprised non of the boys came upstairs to see what all the shouting was about.

"Seriously calm down,you're going to have a heart palpitation,look if you're free tonight do you want to stay over,I haven't had a friend over in a while" I asked.

"Yeah that's fine,I'll just call my mum now" Alicia replied.

We both get thirsty and headed downstairs to get a drink,it's been almost 3 hours now and the boys are still practicing.

"Hey do you guys wanna stay over,?" Ashton pronounced to the guys,they all nodded and set their guitars down to sit at the counter.

"I looked at Ashton,to Alicia,then back to Ashton but Ashton's looking at Alicia and Alicia's looking back at Ashton,this is by far the most awkwardest thing ever. I turn around to see what everyone else is looking at to try and ease the awkwardness but it just got worse,Luke was looking at me so I ended up looking at him,then I looked at Cal who ended up looking at me and then I look at Michael who was just sat there,shoving pizza down his throat like every normal teenager would.

I grab some food from the cupboard and a bottle of coke and make my way back upstairs,Alicia slowly trailing behind me.Inviting Alicia over to stay at mine whilst all the other boys were here was not at the top of my agenda,neither was running into Luke Hemmings...

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