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Mum called and said she wont be coming back for a while due to some "business trip" and my siblings are with my aunt meaning its just me and Ash in the house.I decide to call mum to see where she's going and how long she's going to be away.

"Sup?" I hear my mums voice from the other end of the line.

"I didn't know you was going on a business trip until aunt told me!" I say.

"It was sort of last minute babe,I was going to tell you but my flight wa.."

"FLIGHT?WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING" I rudely interrupt her.

"Calm down Natalie!I'm flying to England for a few months this i" I cut her off again

"A few months??why is this so important?" I rudely ask.

"Well if you didn't interrupt me I was about to tell you,I was informed last minute that my work placement has been moved to England and I got told I'm going to be there for at least 5 months,I really will miss you all,it will be so hard for me" She sobs down the phone.

Right now I'm not even in the mood to even speak to her,never mind listen to her sobbing down the phone.

"Oh".I literally have nothing to say to her right now and 'Oh' is all that comes to mind.

"Mum I have to go,I have to um do my um homework" I lie and put the phone down.

My birthday is in about 5 weeks and my mum isn't even going to be here to celebrate it with me,I'll only have Ashton,who's most likely to be out with his friends,great.

I slam my bedroom door shut and sit on the corner of my bed crying my eyes out,its all to heavy on my shoulders how my mum just fucks off to England and I get 1 phone-call about it,1 call. I haven't cried like this for a while,the last time I cried so much was almost 2 years ago when my cat Tab died,I named her Tab when I was about 7,she was a tabby cat so the name came out of that,that was an almost traumatic experience,what 15 year old girl wants to walk outside her home to see her childhood pet get run over by the neighbour?

There was a knock at my bedroom door,


"Whats up?" Ashton questions me,giving me those sympathy eyes he always does when someones upset.

"The shit excuse of a mother" I snap.

"Oh,I guess she told you too" He replies,now sitting on my bed opening his arms for a hug.

"Yeah about 10 minutes ago" I sob into his shoulder. "I don't understand why she would leave it so last minute,I could handle it if she told us before but she hasn't.She isn't even going to be here for my 18th and" By now I'm sobbing uncontrollably.

Pull yourself together Natalie you're 17.

"I know,I was pretty pissed at the fact she wont be here for your 18th. I'll make sure its good because you really do deserve a good 18th,especially when turning 18 is a huge milestone in your life" He comforts. Having Ashton here to comfort to me is helping,he can be an ass of a brother sometimes but he really does care about me and I really do love him.

"I love you Ashton" I say,almost as quiet as a whisper.

"I love you too sis,dont forget that" He replies,gives me a tight hug and leaves the room. I decide to go shower and freshen up,to try get all this weight off my shoulders.

My brothers friends are still downstairs so I chose the safest option to shower in my mums en-suite so non of them need to go to the bathroom whilst im showering.

I turn on the hot water and jump into the shower,the hot water spraying onto my bare back,taking so much weight off me.I wash my hair and endure every moment in the shower,taking showers takes my mind off everything,right now i need to forget about my mum leaving to England,yes im pissed at her but i take back what i said about he,I'd be nothing without her. I hear my mums bedroom door open which makes me start to panic,what if its Ashton?Even worse,what if its one of the other boys?I quickly shut off the shower and reach for the nearest towel when I hear footsteps right outside of the bathroom door.

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