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(I'm sorry its short but I needed to update)


Another rude awakening by the chaotic sound of my brothers band coming from downstairs,I roll over to find Alicia still fast asleep.I check my phone to see what time it is,11am.What kind of human being would want this amount of sound being produced at 11 O'Clock in the morning?

I turn on TV and watch MTV, Geordie Shore is on so I just carry on watching it until Alicia wakes up.These guys are getting mortal,they're crazy.About 10 minutes later Alicia finally wakes up.

"And you've finally woke up" I tease.

"I like to sleep,leave me alone" Lis grouches,she's not a morning person at all.

"you got that right" I snorted,Lis tried to hit me but it was effortless.

"I'm going down for breakfast if you fancy joining me" I added.

"Give me 5 minutes" Lis groaned,turning over and taking the whole duvet with her.

I make my way downstairs to find that the boys wasn't in the living room or kitchen anymore,I think they moved into the garage.I open the cupboard to find some cereal but its empty,i check all the other cupboards,empty.So my mum has this panel thing on the wall where you can chose what room the electric goes to.

'ooh look Garage is turned on,I wonder what happens if i push it' I say to myself as I push the button in,making the electric from the garage cut off,the music from the garage stops playing..

"NATALIEEEEE!!!! Ashton screams from the garage,I run out of the kitchen as fast as my legs could handle and sprint up the stairs and into my room to tell Alicia to come downstairs immediately,so she does.I take her into the kitchen and tell her to wait there whilst I go get my phone from upstairs,I wait on the stairs until I heard Ashton come storming in

"NATALIE WHY HAVE YOU TUR-" Ashton shouted,then realizing Alicia was in the kitchen and not me. "I am so s-sorry I-I thought y-you was Natalie" Ashton added,stuttering along the way.

"Nooo she told me to come down immediately and she went upstairs to-" Alicia said,but then stopping midway through her sentence,probably realizing that I just set her up.

"NAT!!!" Alicia shouts from the kitchen,along with Ash.

At this point I was crying with laughter on the stairs,Alicia having the biggest crush on my brother ever and me setting her up in the kitchen was by far the funniest thing I have ever done.They're both probably going to go into a pissy mood with me but lets me honest,neither of them will stay angry at me for very long,its almost impossible.I get off the stairs and make my way into the kitchen to find Ash and Lis standing unbelievable close,they haven't realized I'm here. I try not to make any sound.I see the other boys making their way from the garage towards the door,I signal them to make no noise and they didn't,they also snook in quietly trying not to make a sound either.

"Whats going on,why do we have to be so quiet" Michael whispered.

"Look" I replied,keeping my voice just below a whisper,Michael glances at the kitchen to find that Alicia and Ashton are still standing unbelievably close,by the reaction on his face he was confused yet shocked.

"but Ashton is your brother and alicia's your bestfriend, aren't you grossed out?" Michael spoke.

Grossed out..

"Grossed out?really Michael is that the best you've got?is grossed out even a word?" I sharply reply,without meaning I had a harsh tone.

"Jeez,someone pissed in your cereal" Michael snorted,making Luke and Calum snickered.I lightly slapped them both on the arm and gave them a shut-up-before-i-hit-you look,they soon shut up.

"well i would of had some cereal if it wasn't all gone" I replied,being a little sassy.

"Hey I get hungry!" Michael pouted,he is such a pig sometimes.

"Doesn't mean you get to eat all the food in my home" I laugh.

"Well the food place is only round the corner so you can easily get more food" He adds,this boy is so cocky.

"Not the point,look I'm going back upstairs away from you well...boys!" I laugh,leaving the room.

"Girls eh" I hear Michael say to Luke.

"Er yea girls" Luke replies,he doesn't seem so sure on his reply. I laugh to myself as I walk up the stairs.

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