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It's been a week since mum had contacted me or Ashton,I hear off my little brother and sister almost everyday and so does Ashton. We facetime when we're both free so I still get to see their faces but it's not the same as seeing them in person,I miss them so much. I grab my phone and ring my aunt.

"Hello?" My aunts voice speaks through the phone.

"Hey Aunt Nic,Its Natalie" I nervously speak,I haven't spoke to my aunt in forever.

"Oh Natalie!!How are you babe I haven't heard off you in almost forever" She shrieks loudly down the phone,making me jump,almost dropping my phone

"I've been good recently,apart from my mother leaving us to go to England,I'm good,how about you?How's Sasha and Abbie?" I ask eagerly

"Excellent! Ah yes,I'm sure she has meaning behind it though babe" She replies " Yes I'm fab babes,they're doing fine" She adds.

"Good,I haven't seem them since they were about 2,its been so long!" I tell her.

"2? Wow,they're 5 this year,how time flies eh!" My aunt says.

"5? Jeez,time really does fly! How's Harry and Lauren doing?" I ask

"They're fab,but they miss you so much!Lauren's been telling me about how she misses you doing her hair and makeup! And then I have Harry telling me how he misses you because you make him nice food!" My aunt replies,bringing tears to my eyes.

"I miss them so much too!! And thats the cutest,is there any chance we could all have a catch-up sometime soon?" I ask.

"Yes! Defienetly babe,I miss you and Ash so much!! How is Ash doing anyhow?" My aunt eagerly replies.

"He's uh- He's fine I guess,the band he's in is really starting to come along now!" I tell her.

"He's in a band?" My aunt replies and by the tone of her voice she seems pretty confused

"Yeah,they're called 5 Seconds Of Summer!" I tell her,trying to solve her confusion.

"They're? Who else is in this band? Are you in it?" My aunt asks.

"Noo I'm not in it!! Theres 3 other guys called Michael,Calum and Luke!" I say

"Ooooh,are any of them cute?" She teases and I giggle.

"Yes,they're all cute! I say.

"Oo!!You'll be dating one of them soon!" She jokes making me giggle.

"I don't think I will be dating any of these guys anytime soon aunt nic!" I laugh.

"Haha ok babes well i gotta go now,being a single mum and looking after 4 kids by myself is hard work babe,love you and see you soon!" My aunts voice fills my ear.

"Wait,single mum?Where's uncle Joe?" I ask,puzzled at how she's now a single mum.

"He left just before the twins 1st birthday,no explanation or anything,he just got up and left and now i guess he's got his big mansion in the middle of LA with his fancy cars and hookers at the ready eh" My aunt tells me and I am completely and otterly shocked.

"I don't understand how he could just get up and go and leave his girlfriend and two daughters behind like that?" I say,completely baffled at this new information I just recieved.

"Well yeah,I'm gonna go now babe,I'll text you later when i've got these kids of my back" My aunt gives a light laugh mid-speech.

"Hah!Tell Lauren and Harry I said to be good or there's no more sneaky chocolate brownies when mum's at home!" I laugh and my aunt laughes with me

Torn in two || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now