Chapter 1

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I walked home from school alone. Thinking about her once again, I called her just to hear her voice, but of course, it went to voicemail. "Hey! Sorry I couldn't get to the phone, please leave a message!" "Yuh, dat way!" "Melo!! Ok, bye!" I smiled while listening to her voice and how happy she was. I put my phone in my back pocket and looked up at the sky. It was cloudy, just how she liked it. "I miss you."

I entered my home, smelling the dinner that was already being prepared. "Hey Melo!" My mother said to me with a smile. "How was school?" "Ight." I said while going to the fridge to grab a water. "I heard that there is a dance coming up. Are you gonna go?" My mom asked while cutting some vegetables. "Probably not." I said starting to walk towards the stairs. "Melo wait. I know you still miss her. Hell, I do also! But, I think it's time to move on, and it's what she would want." My mom said while grabbing my shoulder. "No! I can't just forget about her!" I said while turning around to look at my mom in her eyes. "I didn't say to forget about her, I just said that you should maybe start to see other people. Melo, I haven't seen you smile since she passed. You've barely said any words to me these past months. You don't talk to anyone anymore, and we are starting to worry." "Well, y'all don't need to worry. I'm fine! Can I just go in my room? Please?" I said while looking down at the floor, ashamed at my present state. "Sure. Dinner will be ready soon. I'll come and get you." My mom said while rubbing my back. "If you need anything, just let me know." I heard as I shut the door. I just want to be alone forever honestly.

I woke up to my body shaking slightly. "Melo." I heard my mom whisper. "Dinner is ready." "Ok." I said while stretching. I got up from the bed, and followed my mom downstairs. I saw my brothers and their girlfriends at the table, eating and laughing together. That should have been me and her. I went to get a plate and put a little food on it. Nothing has been the same since she passed, not even my appetite. I went to go sit at the table. "Hey bro! What's going on?" LiAngelo asked me as he grabbed my shoulder. "Nothing." I said while shaking my head and picking the food with my fork. "Are you good?" Lonzo asked. "Yeah. Why?" I said with a little bit of an attitude. "You've hardly touched your food son." My dad said. "Honey, you need to eat." "Ok! Can you guys just stop talking to me?! Is it not obvious that I don't want to be here right now?" I said while slamming my fist on the table. "I'm sorry guys." I said as I looked at their shocked faces. "I'm gonna go eat out back." I said as I got my food and walked to the backyard. I sat on a pool chair and just looked up at the sky. It was still cloudy, which made my eyes tear up a little. "That sky for me?" I asked while looking up and smiling. "I don't know what to do anymore baby. Life is hard right now, especially without you."

(Chapter 1 is done! I'll try to post another chapter today. I hope you enjoy it!)

•Life is hard without you•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat