Chapter 2

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I woke up still outside by the pool. "Ugh." I said as I sat up. "How long have I been out here?" I said to myself as I looked at the sky once again. "About 3 hours." I heard as I jumped a little. "Oh shit!" I said. "Sorry bro. I didn't mean to scare you." Lonzo said. "Why are you out here?" I asked as I turned to face him. "Just looking at the sky. It calms me down I guess. What about you? Why are you still out here? Dinner has been over for 3 hours." "I didn't mean to stay out here this long. I fell asleep on accident. I'm sorry I left the table." "Aye it's all good. I understand. You're going through a hard time. It's natural for people to need their space." Lonzo said as he turned towards me. "Hey, I have a question." Zo asked me. "Can I know how she died?" I looked at him after he asked. My heart was racing and I started sweating bullets. "Ummm...I don't thi-think I can talk about it right now." "I can respect that. Hey, if you need anything, come talk to me. I'm here for you." Zo said as he hugged me and walked back into the house. No, none of my brothers know exactly how she died, and I want it to stay like that for a while. Only my parents and her parents know. I don't think I'm ready to talk about it with anyone. Not yet.

I walked into my room, getting my clothes ready to take a shower. "It has definitely been a long day." I said to myself as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the water and let it get warm before getting in. I just stood in the shower letting the water hit my body. I silently cried to myself. I know that I should be stronger than this, but I just can't help myself. "Damn baby I miss you so much. Please come back to me."

I plopped onto my bed, dreading the fact that I have school tomorrow. I used to always go to her house to walk with her in the morning everyday since she only lived three doors down.  I walk past her house everyday, and I shed a tear every time. "Hey son?" I heard as my dad walked into my room. "I just wanna say goodnight." "Night." I said as I turned towards my wall. "Son, I know what's going on in your life right now is hard, but it's going to get better. I guarantee it." "No it's not dad. It's not! I can't stop thinking about her! She's all I think about all day, everyday." "Son, I get-" "No dad, you don't get it! Can you just, just please leave my room. I'm not trying to be rude. I just need to get to sleep, even though I already took a 3 hour nap. Love ya pops." "Ok son. I love you too." My dad said as he left my room. "God, no one understands what's going on baby girl. I just really need you right now. Nothing is getting any better." I said as I looked at the ceiling. "I love you baby."

(Chapter 2! I hope you like it!)

•Life is hard without you•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin