Chapter 3

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My alarm sounded, signaling that it was time to get up. "Happy anniversary baby girl." I said as I looked out the window to see the once again cloudy sky. I walked down the hall to the bathroom to do my morning stuff. As I was washing my face, I heard a knock on the door. "Aye, Melo? Can you hurry up? I gotta get ready." "I just got in here. Why are you in a hurry?" I said through the door. "I'm taking my girl to breakfast before school." Gelo said. "Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I'll be right out I guess." I said as I put my washcloth up and walked out of the bathroom. "Thanks bro." Gelo said while holding all his clothes. "No problem." I said as I walked back to my room and closed the door. I opened my closet door and tried to figure out what shoes and clothes to wear. "Hey son." My mom said as she came in my room. "Hey." I said as I went to hug her. "What outfit are you wearing today?" My mom asked as she sat on my bed. "Why are you asking?" I said with a small chuckle. "Well, I know today is a special day for you and her. Y'alls one year anniversary." My mom said as she looked at me with sorrow. "Yeah...but I think I'm gonna wear the shoes that were her favorite." I said as I picked them up and looked at them with a smile. "Oh honey, she would love that. So, I know it's going to be hard for you today, so I am giving you the opportunity to stay home, if you would like. You know I'm usually against that, but today is different." "Thanks mom, but I think I'm gonna just go to school. She would want me too. You knew how she was about education." I said while thinking about her always getting on me about school. "Yeah. She was a hard working. Alright, well, I'll leave you to it." My mom said as she left. "You leave in 10!" I heard her say as she walked down the stairs.

I stopped and stared at her house. "I'm gonna check on your parents. I haven't heard from them in a while babe." I said as I walked down the driveway. I approached the porch and rang the door bell. Memories began to flood my mind about this house. 'This is where I asked her to be mine. This is where I picked her up for our first date. A lot of things happened here.'My thoughts were disrupted as I heard the door open. "Aw LaMelo! I haven't seen you in a while. Please come in, come in!" Her mom said as she hugged me. "Thank you Mary." I said as I squeezed her tightly. "So, how've you been? How's school?" Mary asked me as she grabbed me some water. "School is school you know. I haven't been doing all that well though. I miss her a lot." "Yeah, I know you do Melo. Your mom as been telling me that you haven't been doing well." She told me as she looked at me with tears. "I just blame myself, all the time." "But Melo, it isn't your fault. There's nothing you could have done." "Yes there was. I should have been seeing the signs. My baby girl was hurting for so long, and I didn't know it until it was too late." "Mel-" "Um, I think I'm gonna go now. Thanks for everything Mary, really. You're a real blessing. I'll stop by soon." "Ok Melo. Have a good day!" I heard her mom say as I ran out of the house.

I snuck into my room through the window. It was just me in the house. No one else. Just how I like it honestly. I fell into my bed and just cried. I cried for hours and hours. Life was just too hard for me. I don't think I can do it anymore without her. She was my only reason for being happy. She was my everything, and now she's gone.

(Chapter 3! Ok, so I know I haven't given a name for 'her' yet, but I think I'll just let you guys come up with a name or something like that. I hope you guys enjoy this one! 🗞)

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