Love only wins in fairytales

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Star and Marco are fighting toffee and Jackie along with Tom, janna, and pony head.

"Star, you okay?" Marco asked his best friend and crush. He was worried she'd over due herself, but star was stubborn that was for sure.

Anyway She nodded and breathed heavily as she attacked toffee again. But, will she win toffee does have her wand so, it will be harder to beat him now.

"AAAAAGH" she screamed falling back as toffee shot a spell from the wand. Blood went down her bruised cheek. She looked up stll determined and continued to fight.

"STAR!!!" All of her friends yelled. They fought Jackie and toffee's minnions, but continued to fight only marco stopped to make sure everything was going okay.

"I'm fine" she mumbled she was full of rage after what toffee did to her father. The old star was gone. They all knew that but, didn't accept it they know the old star is still there.

"Well, well, well, guess little star will fight for her people even after I killed her great FATHER " Toffee said with a sly smirk and started laughing. Star fisted her knuckles until they were white and screamed coming at him with punches and kicks left and right.

"Your SICK " star yelled with venom laced in her voice as she kept attacking him with punches and kicks. Getting faster and harder eachtime.

Toffee, then, pushed her back on the ground with a tch. Star looked at her now bleeding knuckles. Marco ran over right behind star and looked at her and then at Toffee over and over again. Until Toffee spoke.

"Now, now is that anyway to treat Mewni's new ruler" he said. Star glared at the ground while she heaved, out of breath, she kneeled down. Marco stared wide eyed at Star, but star looked at him and einked and he smiled and went back to fight for his lover. "Good gir-" toffee but, before toffee could he was cut off by star getting up, still heaving. She chuckled unhumorously then, she looked him in the eyes and said "you'll never be ruler not while me and my mother are alive, NEVER!!"

Marco saw a light and looked over at her as he saw her change into a magnificent butterfly girl

Marco saw a light and looked over at her as he saw her change into a magnificent butterfly girl

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She flew up in the air and used the last of her strength. She brought her hands together "SHOOTING STAR" she yelled throwing light at toffee.

"AAAAAAHHHH" toffee screamed as he got engulfed by the light. He kept screaming at the top of his lungs untilit fadded and he fell. Everyon looked only to see


"STAR!!" Marco yelled as she fell he caught her (like in the picture on top). He looked down at her frowning.

"We did it..." star said she tried to smiled weakly but, it faltered and went back to a frown as she coughed. Moon came up behind Marco and Star saw hot tears fall down her mothers face.

"STAR!!" Her mother cried. Moon was staring down at her now beaten up daughter. She felt responsibility for it. Why didn't she stop her daughter? Why?

"I'm fine mom" star said even weaker. She coughed again with blood going down her mouth. As she again tried to smile ,this time succeeding, she looked at the two most amazing people alive and felt tears slide down her own face.

"No, you aren't" Marco said quietly so only him and her could hear. Marco looked at dtars face even though it was bruised he thought it was beautiful. Janna, Tom, and ponyhead left a now in unconscious Jackie on the ground to see star.

"Star..." all three whispered feeling tears well up. Janna looked down at her, and tom grabbed her hand holding her close frowning at the sight of their friend dying. Janna took off her hat and tom held it in his other hand. They both felt absolutely nothing, but despair.

Pony head looked at the girl she knew since brith. The one person that believed in her. Pony head felt tears well up. "No" she whispered wishing it was a dream, but sadly it was all too real.

"Marco..."star said in a hushed voice. Staring at the boy she wanted to grow old with to love and cherish forever. To have children with but, that will never happen now.

"Yes star?" Marco said as tears fell down his cheeks even faster. He couldn't believe. He didn't want to. 'Please don't leave me' he thought

"...I-I love you" she mumbled and kissed him. Taking her ladt breath by that time everyone was in full tears the villagers that were left gathered around and cried. It was like in tbe grinch that stole christmas ehen the whos woke up to there being no present and they all gathered in a circle to cry. That was happening right her. Right now.

Anyway, Marco was surprised but, kissed back until he felt her hand fall off and her stop kissing. He ,as well, stopped kissing looking down at the body of his best friend, partner in crime, crush, companion, and maybe if he wasn't such a chicken lover....

He examined her now dead body tattered clothes. Pale. Bruised. But, her ladt words to him to everyone were what got him 'I love you' again and again went through his mind.

Then, Marcos hair covered his face he shook his head the tears coming faster and faster the minute. There was now a silence in the air no one spoke not a word all you could hear were the cries of everyone. Why? Simple Because star changed them for the better. Just her whole fasona(is that how you spell it) changed them.

They all relized They were all happier when star was around, so now what? Restart? Forget? No, impossible, for star will live on forever.

But, Marco realized something different. At that moment he relized one thing and one thing only

Love only wins in fairytales.

An: what'd you think pretty good think I should continue this book and see what Marco does in his life without star or leave it the way it is tell me what you think???

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