Second Choice

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A/n:this is a little triggering but it's only one little section and it implies slavery and abuse. Also this whole thing is about depression so please if you are depressed get help. I know it's hard and I don't believe depression ever truly goes away but it is something to worry about. Your mental health is more important than your boyfriend, physical health, and schoolwork. So, please take care of yourselves, friends, family members, and  even people you don't know very well and enjoy my story.

I wasn't his first choice to go to the dance with him.

"Marco, if you don't have anyone to go with, I could be your date to the dance," I hesitated slightly but continued," you know as friends?"

Friends is all we were ever meant to be.

"Sure, Star!"

And then she asked you and I knew that you were head over heels for her but it still hurt.

"Star, she asked me! She asked me!"

You were so excited you forgot we were supposed together so I did what any good were to do.

"That's great Marco," I faked a smile,"I'm so happy."

I acted like it didn't hurt but the whole time you were at the dance I had locked myself in my room and cried. It didn't help when the next day I found out she was your girlfriend.

"Can you believe it, she's mine," he marvelled,"Star, what if she's my future?"

I thought about that more than you know. What if she was your future and I was in the way of it? What if she became your new bestfriend and I faded from your life? I knew I was being selfish when I thought these things but what else was I supposed to think. And sooner or later, my thoughts became real.

"Marco," I sang happily,"it's bestfriend Thursday!" I had the nacos in hand and I was ready to stuff myself.

"Oh, right," he rubbed the back of his neck,"I'm sorry Star, I promised Jackie we would go on a date."

"Oh," I smiled,"okay!" I felt my eyes start to burn.

"Thanks Star," Marco said as he grabbed his wallet,"this is why your my bestfriend! See you later!" He was out the door within seconds. He didn't even noticed the tears that fell from my eyes.

This started happening more and more. So, I pushed everyone because if my bestfriend didn't want me, then why would anyone else? Even my parents got rid of me. And that's when the insecurities started.

"Hey Star," I heard Mrs.Diaz call,"I know Marco hasn't been around lately so maybe we could hang out?" She sounded hesitant and almost worried so I gave her a smile and shook my head.

"I'm okay," that was the first time I ever lied to Mrs. Diaz and it made me hate myself more.

The lies continued and so did Marco's new relationship with Jackie. I had become forgotten by my bestfriend and soon others followed.

"Star, me and your father aren't going to be able to contact you for a while," my mother told me,"we're very busy."

"Okay," I smiled at her before she hung up.

It was 3 months before she contacted me again.

"Marco you're going to be an older brother," Mr.Diaz said. Marco was so ecstatic. Everyone was even me.

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