Chapter 09

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Dodge Ball Mishaps

Dodge Ball Mishaps

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The second I had seen the girl's uniform on display in the school store, I knew that physical education was going to be my favorite class. It wasn't like I was a pervert or anything, or that I agreed the color combination of brown and orange was a good idea.

By the way, for the record, it was not a good combination. Just so we are clear.

Then why was this class the best? Well, first it was because I had the class with Sang, and it wasn't just a boring class where we sat around in a room all period. Then, second, well... Those shorts were really short and she was hot as hell.

Mr Blackbourne might have made that dumb-ass promise to look at Sang with only respect. However, I had made no such promise. That being said, was it even considered disrespectful to oggle your girlfriend?

Maybe Mr Blackbourne was onto something... Maybe he planned on thinking impure thoughts as well. Technically he wouldn't be breaking his promise to Sang at all.


...or maybe so. He was a pretty sneaky bastard.

It made me wonder - was Mr Blackbourne a leg, butt or boob guy?

I might have to figure it out soon, just for research purposes, of course. It was not like we were taking bets on how long he'd resist before abandoning the 'Miss Sorenson' nonsense in order to act like the hormone stricken god-teen that he was. Not us.

It was for his own good. He was never going to get a kiss at this rate.

I had to ensure that Mr Blackbourne got to first base, and for that I needed to learn how to dress Sang in a manner to appeal to him the most. It had nothing to do with the $50 I bet on him being a leg guy and only lasting a week before giving in to his baser desires.

God, I fucking loved those uniforms.

"Gabriel Coleman!" Mr Blackbourne appeared behind me just as I pulled my gym shirt down over my head. Nathan and I had claimed some decent looking lockers instead of waiting for him, as per his request. So we were getting ready for class before his arrival, but now it looked like I was going to die instead.

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