Past Tense

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(First of all, I am going to skip the song for this one because all of the ones I could find just about made my ears bleed.)

So, how many of you know what "past tense" means?
I'll tell you.

Past tense:
  "A verb tense expressing action or state in or as if in the past."

Got it?

I'll elaborate for you.

When you're speaking in the past tense, you're referring to something that already has happened. Unlike present tense, you're not speaking about something that's currently happening; but speaking of something passed.

For example, a past tense sentence would be like this:
"Becky went to the store and bought milk."

A present tense version of that would be:
"Becky goes to the store and buys milk."

Again, no song for this chapter. 
I regret my choices for some of the previous ones, but won't remove them for the sake of readers who've already seen them there. I wish for minimal criticism.

Props to @deamondaughter21 for answering last chapter's question correctly! Good job!

This week's question:
Can you write this in the past tense in the comments below?
"Roger snaps a picture of the bird as it flies by."

Bye, guys! Keep up the learning! :)

Learn Your Grammar (New chapter every other Monday)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang