Chapter 1

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Annabella's Pov

I heard my alarm go off for school. I always hated it, people are always so negative. I put on leggings, a hoodie, and tennis shoes than walked downstairs for breakfast. I made berry pancakes with oatmeal in them. My mom always used to make them for me.
Ever since my mother, Barb, died a year ago my dad took on a lot of bad habits like drugs and alcohol. He's always been overprotective and abusive. My mom owned a bank and willed all her money to me. I bought myself a house so I no longer had to associate with my dad. That's why he stopped talking to me.
After i'm done getting ready my boyfriend, Jorden, texts me to say he's on his way to pick me up. I light up a cigarette while I wait. My dad isn't the only one who picked up bad habits.
Jorden is a unique person, by unique i mean a complete douchebag. I've been cheated on multiple times and he's a big reason why I drink and smoke cigarettes. He's 19 and only in 11th grade (i'm 16 and in 11th). All my friends left me because of him, besides Nicole. She's the only one that i trust with my life.
I hear Jorden pull up and i get in the car.

"Hey Anna" He says
"Hi" I say tiredly. Everyone in school calls me that and i hate it.

"Why do you have a fucking attitude already this morning?!"

"i don't i'm just tired."

"I'm tired but you don't see me being a dick."

"You don't have to be tired to be a dick."

We were silent the whole way to school.

I walk to my locker and gather the things I need for the day. Nicole came over to meet me like she does everyday.

"Hey! You look real happy." she said sarcastically.

"Jorden started his shit already this morning"

"Welllll you aren't gonna be any happier with him when I tell you he was just flirting with Grace"

"Doesn't surprise me. I don't know why I keep giving him more chances"

The bell rings and we go to first period. I have Math with Grace and she always stares at me.

"Goodmorning Annabella." Grace says.

"Hi." I put on a fake smile.

"Jorden says that you're mad at him. I think you should apologize."

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but don't tell me how I should be in my relationship."

"It was just a tip."

"No thanks i don't needs tips."

"Girls is there an issue?" Mr. Jacks asks us.

"There's about to be one." I say.

"Grace please have a seat. Annabella do you need to go to guidance?"

"Nope, everything is fine." I say.

Ethan's pov

"Yo Gray I think we should have a follow spree on Instagram" I suggested.

"Yeah we haven't done one in a while"

As i'm scrolling through my followers I come across a name that looks familiar. 'Annabella Black'.

"Dude do you remember Annabella from middle school?!" I ask Grayson.

"Oh my gosh yes!! She was literally our only friend! Did you find her insta?" He yelled excitedly.

"Do you think she remembers us?! Should i DM her?!"

"Yes! See how she's doing!"

I pull up my DM's and find her name. I write:
'Hey Bells!! Do you remember me and Gray? We just wanted to see how you were doing!'

"Remember when she helped us shoot Cameron with paintball guns when she got off the bus everyday?!" Grayson said.

"TAHAHAHAH YES! We had so many great memories with her! What about the time we were at lunch, you took a drink of your milk and she screamed 'HOBO'?! THE MILK FLEW OUT YOUR NOSE" We both died laughing.


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