Chapter 8

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Annabella's pov

"Bells. Wake up. We're here"
I heard someone say. I open my eyes and it's Ethan. I totally forgot I fell asleep. I sit up and throw my hair back up into a messy bun. I open the car door and get out. The trunk popped open and the twins grabbed our bags.

"You don't need to do that. We can take them" I said.

"Yeah we got them" Nicole agreed.

"Nah don't worry about it." Gray said.

I watched E as his lifted my suitcase. Damn. He has some big ass muscles. I just stare at him. Nicole nudges me.

"Stop staring." She laughs.

We walked up the steps and waited at the apartment door while Gray got the key out. We got through the door and they showed us the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom.

"This is my room." Ethan said.

"Takes notes Bella. I'm sure you'll be seeing this often" Nicole whispered to me.

"You and Gray are on to something. Sneaky little assholes. i'm not dumb" I said.

They just laughed.

We finished looking around and we went out separate ways. Gray and Nicole we're playing piano in the living room while I talked with E in the kitchen. I was sitting on the stool and he was leaning on the counter beside me resting his chin on his hand.

"How was your nap." He asked.

"Pretty good. One of the best"

"I think I'm pretty good at stuff like that" He smirked.

"Hmm i guess i'll have to ask Meredith about that one."

"You smartass. you did not just go there."

"I think i did E-tee-wee-tee."

"I'm gonna give you three seconds to run or i might just bite you."

I ran and he chased me. We ran all through the living room past Gray and Nicole. I ran down the hallway and into E's room. He cornered me.

"Now what are you gonna do?" He asked.

He grabbed me and flipped me over his shoulder.

"Stoppp! Ethan Grant Dolan put me down!"

Ethan pov

I love teasing her. She looks like she enjoys it too.

"Put me down!" She yelled.

I flipped her back over and lied her on my bed. I got on top of her and pinned her arms above her head.

"Now what was your comment again?"

"I said i'll have to ask Meredith..."

I interrupted her by playfully biting her neck.

"Ewh now i got your mouth germs on me." She laughed. It was so cute.

"I'll give you more!"
I licked her whole face.

"MY HIGHLIGHT!" She yells

"You little bitch." I laugh.

We both were done teasing and messing around so we went out to the living room.

"What was going on in here" Gray asked.

"Yeah. Bella why do you have a bite mark on your neck?! Is that a hickey?!" Nicole asked.

"Ethan you gave her a hickey?!" Gray yelled.

"nooo he just bit be because i mentioned Meredith."

"Did i actually leave a mark?"

I face her and look at her neck. Yep. There was a mark. It did kinda look like a hickey.

"I'm sorry i didn't think i bit you that hard" I apologized.

"you're ok. I have pretty sensitive skin." Bella said.

"So what's the plan for the day?" Gray asked.

"I have a tattoo appointment in an hour. So ill go and pick you guys up after, then get something to eat, come home, watch a movie, then go to bed" I said.

"That sounds good to me." Nicole says.

"Same here" Bella says. Then her phone rings.

"Who is it?" Nicole asked.

"Jorden. He's facetiming me." She rolled her eyes.

"Answer it. Everyone be quiet." Nicole said.

"Hello?" She sounded a little nervous.

"Hey hun. How ya feeling?" Jorden acted like he actually cared.

"I still feel a little sick. I'm really tired"

"Too sick to fuck tonight? I'll be there around 9"

"I don't think that's a good idea. I really don't feel good."

"Seriously Anna. We haven't had sex in two weeks."

"I know. I just don't feel good."

"Whatever. Ill be there at 9. You better feel better by then"

"O....okay." She seemed like she was gonna cry.

I walk over to her and give her a hug. She breaks down in my arms.

"Wanna go talk?" I asked.

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