Chapter 5

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Annabella's pov
    It's now 1:30am and Jorden just left. He stayed here apologizing and going on and on with excuses.
   I go upstairs to the bathroom to examine my face. It's bruised, but nothing makeup can't cover. I sit and think about all the shit Jorden and I have been through. All the names he's called me, and the horrible things he's said. I've had enough. Maybe he's right. Maybe I am a mistake and a waste of space.
       I'm a disaster right now. I'm so stupid for always forgiving him every damn time! I start thinking about all the bad stuff happening in my life. I need to take this pain away.
        I get in the shower and turn on the water as hot as it goes. That's usually what I do when I feel like this. I pick up my razor but it slips out of my hand. The blade falls out into the floor. Don't do it Annabella. I think to myself, but I gave in. I haven't done this in 5 months. I picked up the blade and dug into my skin. When I was finished I admired the word "Mistake" that would soon scar on my arm.
      Someone knocks on my door. I hope Jorden isn't coming. I throw on clothes and walk downstairs. It was Nicole.

"Woah what happened?!" Nicole freaked out.

"Let me explain."

I told her everything. Everything. From the Jorden situation to flying out to see the twins.

"Wait you're flying out to see the twins even though Jorden told you not to? Go Annabella!" She sounded so happy.

"Yeah. I'm done letting Jorden control me"

"Next time i see that douchebag I'm gonna beat him. Lemme guess he apologized and you forgave him"


My phone went off, it was Ethan. I rushed to put makeup on so he wouldn't see my bruised face.

Ethan's pov
   We haven't heard from Bella yet so I facetimed her back. Grayson fell asleep waiting. She answered and was with some girl.

"What's up Bells! Who's you're friend"

"This is Nicole! She stopped over after Jorden left."

"Hello Nicole! What did the asshole have to say."

"His usual calling me names then apologizing."

"He didn't hit you did he?"
She got silent.

"Uhm. Yeahh but i'm ok! don't worry!" I heard a crack in her voice.

"Bella, why didn't you tell me sooner?! If I ever see that dickhead he's gonna be dead! I can't believe you let him do that!" I was pissed.

"He apologized."

"Did you forgive him?"

"YES SHE DID!" Nicole yelled before Bella could answer.

"Why would you do that? That's not okay."

"I tried telling her!" Nicole interrupted again.

"Maybe Nicole should come to California with you"

"Would you want to?" Bella looked at Nicole.

"Let me ask my parents"

She called her parents while I talked to Bella about Jorden. I still can't believe she allowed him to do that. Then she forgave him. She deserves so much better then that! She's an amazing person and he's the reason she resorts to negative things.

"Nicole said she can go, but only for 3 days because she has a wedding to go to"  Bella said.

"Cool! Can't wait to meet you in person Nicole!"

"Are you sure it's okay to come?" Nicole asked.

"Absolutely! You two better get some rest if you're gonna be up early. Goodnight"


//AN: Sorry for the trigger warning!! If you're suffering with self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc please call
1-800-273-8255 and get help!!//

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