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"Moving on to a less impressive subject..." the headmistress announced to the auditorium filled with tired and hungry teenagers.

"No subject is impressive in assemblies" Kaori thought to herself, slumped on a fold up chair at the back of the room.

"...please refrain on littering we have bins for a reason and it damages the wildlife around us, this school prides itself..." the teacher continued babbling on. Little did she know that the majority of students really didn't care about her routine weekly speeches apart from some enthusiastic first years, or maybe they were just scared to not listen. Kaori remembered when detentions used to be a matter of life or death. Life bit being actually surviving the detention, death being your inner soul dying when you feel the wrath of the teacher and/or parent.

She shuffled the papers on the stand that she stood behind on stage.

" ah yes... we have a pretty exciting announcement..." she swiftly moved on.

"Her definition of exciting is very different to the rest of the world" Kaori thought to herself.

"... so as apart of our lingual program at this school, we have linked with other schools in the countries we associate with within our curriculum..."

Every student sat up in their chairs, anticipating what she was going to say, this had never been mentioned before in previous assemblies so everyone was just relieved to hear something new.

"... so this month we will be working with a school in Ilsan, South Korea where six lucky students will be visiting our school for a month!" She announced, obviously hyped about something relatively interesting happening at this dull school.

"Whatever" Kaori thought, even though buried underneath her facade of I-don't-care-ness, she was slightly, very slightly,

"... now of course we need some guides for these students, they will stay with their guide and we have matched our students with theirs so that you are different but have a couple things in common"

"Keep going I want lunch" Kaori thought.

"... so would the following students report to Miss Katsuki, head of languages, room 13 in the west block after assembly please"

The students sat up straight on the edge of their chairs in anticipation, awaiting the names of the lucky six students.
Kaori also was on the edge of her chair unconsciously.

"Tamaki Suoh
Hikaru Hitachi
Haruhi Fujioka
Hak Usoi
Misa Mi"

Silence had consumed the room, the head mistress seemed over joyed that the students were excited and seemed to enjoy the power too much as a smirk slyly etched on her face.

"And... Kaori Min"

Kaori leaned back in her chair.

"Probably because I have high grades in Korean class" she assumed to herself.

"...so remember no littering and I expect best behaviour towards the exchange students. You are dismissed"

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