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"heyyy kaori, heechul, looking forward to the judo lesson?" haruhi asked with her partners arm around her shoulder.
kaori looked at the pale boy.

"ahh this is suga, my exchange student and personal pianist, he is seriously good" haruhi responsed.

kaori reached her hand out and he took it and shook her hand.

"nice to meet you kaori" he said with the cutest gummy smile.

heechul grabbed kaori's wrist feeling a sudden build up of jealousy.

"heechul why don't we hang out with these two today?" kaori asked, forcibly ejecting her wrist from heechuls grasp.

haruhi looked shocked.

"yeah sure, we were just heading off to the music room, you want to join us? turns out suga creates some pretty neat study music" haruhi smiled.

"sounds great" kaori replied.

heechul scoffed but hesitantly followed her.

"what is up with her? pretty boy presses a few keys and suddenly kaori is all over him" heechul groaned to haruhi.

"he's talented, what's so wrong about her taking an interest in someone? i only suggested it because i've never seen her so happy" haruhi replied, gradually lowering the volume of her voice.

"what was she like before" heechul asked whilst sitting on the table next to haruhi.

"go ask suga if he has a rubber for me" haruhi ordered sternly.

heechul rolled his eyes{

haruhi hesitated but put down her mechanical pencil and took a deep breath.

"she was an outcast, she never let anyone in, she was very much a lone wolf. she'd never team up with anyone, sit by herself and not speak a word. the only time you saw a smile on her face was when playing the violin."

"she plays the violin?"

haruhi looked shocked.

"has she not told you? mind she never told any of us, you just knew. she would perform on stage at concerts and play the most beautiful pieces, she was well and truly a prodigy, we adored her playing for us. it was like her own little language, no one ever knew her but at the same time we did. she was just beautiful, you could see it in her facial expression, it's just such a pure feeling of being at home emitting from her from every body part, when playing the violin, her smile was just so genuine" haruhi sighed.

"was?" heechul questioned. "what happened.

heechul stares back at the laughing pair playing the piano. haruhi was right, that smile was genuine.

"two years ago, she met a boy... seji..."

heechul immediately paid attention.

"they got on well, super well in fact. he played the piano. and eventually he became her accompanist. they went to concerts as a duo as well as sweethearts and worked really well, they were two peas in a pod creating the best music you would have ever heard. it was truly beautiful"

"okay what happened then?" heechul enquired.

"one day, at the annual village festival, they were offered a deal, at a label, a chance to make and perform music all over the country, they were convinced that they'd run off as a duo, and... as lovers..."

heechul tensed up.

"but the day of the audition, they only wanted Seji. Kaori was convinced that he wouldn't leave her but she was wrong. He said goodbye by text. and kaori said goodbye to her only source of happiness. it killed her. crying all night, not coming into school for months on end, she was so young so it hit her so much harder" haruhi finished.

"and that's why she stays alone and doesn't touch a violin" heechul asked.

"yep" haruhi finished. "her first true love turned out to be a self centred jackass" haruhi sighed.

"how do you know all of this by the way?" heechul asked.

"guess who had to pick up the pieces"

"oh... wait, so why are you so distant now?"

" we were best friends but after that she lost all trust in anyone, including me. i wasn't angry at her for it but it defiantly hurt. since then, we only talk rarely" haruhi concluded.

heechul felt empty, he had no clue about this story, he had no clue about this tragedy, he had no clue about her. how could he love a girl he knew nothing about? how could he have spent almost a month with her but never thought to ask what her true passion is, what one thing makes her most happy in the entire world. heechul felt as if he had failed. he sighed whilst watching kaori watch suga play.

haruhi picked up her pencil and continued writing.

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