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"right students let us start with some basic drills so our students can get a feel of judo" the physical education teacher bellowed down the gymnasium.

kaori smirked.

heechul pointed two fingers towards his eyes and then pointed at kaori's.

they began their drills. kaori held a punch bag whilst heechul threw consecutive punches.

"put your back into it" kaori commanded with a giggly tone.

heechul raised an eyebrow.

"why are you so... giggly?" he asked sceptically.

"nothing, is it a crime to be happy?" kaori defended in russian.

"you know you shouldn't speak in a language i don't understand otherwise i'll start assuming you are giggling because of pretty boy over there" heechul gestured with his hand towards a suga giggling with haruhi.

kaori looked over with a low head before quickly taking heechul's hand and forcing it down to his side. by this point she was rosy red all over her cheeks.

"don't be ridiculous" kaori cowered.

"didn't have you pegged as the Lolita type" heechul smirked whilst covering his face for protection, anticipating an incoming punch.

alas no punch.

he looked up to see no one, he planned around the room and saw a flash of blonde dashing into the hallway.

heechul prepared to run but someone else was one step ahead of him.

kaori sat in hallway with her legs stretched out across the width of the area. from the corner of her eyes she spotted a familiar person, her expression went from sad to happy.

"mind if i join you" suga asked. kaori nodded.

he sat beside her and glanced at her pale face.

"what's got a pretty girl like you feeling down" he asked, nudging her.

she locked eyes with him but looked down again.

"just... tired i guess" kaori replied.

"tired? one word from heechul and you were running out" he chuckled. "are you sure you are just tired?" he asked suggestively.

"artistic differences" kaori replied chuckling, suga chuckled with her.

little did she know that heechul was around the corner listening in. he burned with jealously as he heard them getting along well.

"come on" suga said as he offered kaori his hand. kaori sighed and took his hand.

"i'm sure you two will sort this out later" suga replied. they stood up and began to walk back to the sports hall. heechul realised this too late and had no time to run away. kaori turned the corner and saw him. guilty.

kaori was enraged.

"what are you doing" she asked aggressively. "spying on me? Is there any part of my life that you don't invade?" she shouted.

"you ran out, i thought you were upse-" heechul said in an attempt to justify his actions.

"thought? thought? i am upset because you can't respect privacy!" kaori argued.

suga couldn't understand their fluent korean so he just supportively stood by kaori.

"i just want to make you happy, after haruhi and seji.." heechul argued back.

"seji..." kaori's heart sank and dark memories began to fill her mind as she  began to tear up. "how long have you known about that? weeks probably. Why can't you just leave me alone? why do you always have to know every detail of my life" kaori shouted.

the physical education teacher burst out of the gymnasium. "what is this racket?" she inquired, she noticed kaori on the verge of crying and figured out what was going on.

"right suga and kaori, go to the canteen. heechul back inside please"  she ordered. "i will have to report this to mrs Katsuki" she informed them. everyone nodded and parted in separated ways.

"thank you, for coming to sit with me" kaori  said softly to suga.

"you're welcome, i can't let a beautiful girl like you be all alone. it was my pleasure to comfort you" suga elaborately replied making kaori chuckle.

"i can comfort you some more if you want?" suga suggested.
kaori locked eyes with suga, she felt happy gazing into them. she nodded.

suga turned to face her and let her head fall onto his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her forarms.

they both sat like this for a while, their breathing rates becoming synchronised, kaori feeling the warmth of suga's shoulder against her face. she felt safer than she ever has before.

an echoing voice disturbed their moment.

"kaori, come with me, suga, back to class please" miss katsuki bellowed with a hint of sympathy in her voice.

suga gently held her face. "it'll be fine, go sort things out. i'll text you later" he comforted her as he got up and walked back to class.

kaori followed miss katsuki with a pit in her stomach.

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