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"Come in come in yes yes here they are" Miss Katsuki greeted us whilst ushering us into her office.

She was a young woman, mid thirties Kaori had guessed, who wore a pencil skirt that went half way down her thighs with a white shirt that frilled around the collar and a black blouse. She had black hair but milky skin. Kaori concluded that she was mixed.

"So, are you all excited?" She asked us.

"Yes Miss" they answered in unison, Kaori spoke quietly.

"Good because from what I've heard, the exchange students are also very excited" she replied, standing behind her desk, crouched over flicking through some papers.

She then picked up a small pile of papers and handed them all out to us.

"Here is just some basic info of your student, names, interests and so on, they were actually written by the students themselves"

Kaori received her sheet and examined it.

"Name Kim Heechul, age 16, interests include music, dancing, and English" she mumbled to herself. She then looked at the picture attached to see what he looked like.

It was a picture of a boy singing into a microphone, he had light gray hair but dark brown hair underneath. Interesting. Kaori then turned the picture over to see some writing originally written in Korean but crossed out and rewritten in Japanese.

"Hello, My name is Kim Heechul but call me Heechul. I look forward to meeting."

"Okay so now you know a bit more about your student, let's go over some things"
Miss Katsuki spoke, breaking the silence.

We all looked up from our papers.

"Now they will be staying with you, I've checked with your parents and they have said that it's fine. They will stay with you during class but some classes you will both miss because we have some cultural activities and trips to take them on. In the mornings you both report to me in room 25, east block where you will spend form time getting to know each other. At lunch and break they stay with you, it's your job to make sure they don't get lost and in doing so, you must stay with them at all times. You can introduce them to other students but make sure that they are comfortable with that. The reason we picked you six is because you have high grades in Korean so speaking to them shouldn't be a problem however their Japanese is not the best so I warn that you may have to help them with translating stuff that they may not understand. If in the case you lose your student which I hope won't happen, you shall have each others mobile numbers to contact each other. Yes you are allowed to take them places outside of school to give them more of a worth while month but as I said, they are here for a month so don't rush into things. Just show them what life is like in Japan with a few fun activities involved. Now I think I've covered everything but are there any questions?"

A girl with short brown hair and brown eyes raised her hand.

"Yes miss Haruhi?"

"Are all the exchange students in our year?" She asked.

"Yes now you will meet them next week which gives you time to set up at home with beds and stuff so at the beginning of next week, go to room 25, east block at 7:45 to meet your student."  She ordered.

"Before I dismiss you, I want to go around the room and you all say the name of your students"

Miss pointed at Hak first.

"Min Kyunhoon"

Then at Haruhi

"Min Yoongi"

Finally, she reached Kaori.

"Kim Heechul"

"You are dismissed"

Kaori lay on her bed that night pondering about this Heechul guy. She wondered what he was like.

"What kind of person are you" she asked to herself.

Curling up, she turned off her night light and drifted off to sleep.

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