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"Okay I think we have everyone... oh wait where's Kaori?" Miss Katsuki asked in a moderately loud voice.

Kaori walked through the classroom door and nodded to the teacher.

"Ahh Kaori there you are okay so that's everyone, guys all sit at table individually" she ordered. "I'm just going to get the students, don't be too loud" she said whilst walking out of the classroom.

"So guys, y'all excited?" Tamaki asked, sitting on his table at the front of the class with his long legs on his chair.

"I guess, I mean we miss a months worth of Mr Han" Misa chuckled happily.

"The dumb blonde has a point" Hak retorted.

"Hey" Misa shouted aggressively whilst throwing a crunched up piece of paper at Hak.

Hak ducked and it rolled along the floor.

"Where do you think we are gonna go?" Haruhi asked.

"No idea" Hikaru spoke.

"How about you Kaori? You excited?" Hikaru asked.

Kaori turned her head to face the crew.

"I mean it's pretty rad, no homework for a month" she replied.

Misa chuckled.

"I know ri-" Tamaki began but was cut off by the opening of the door.

"So clas-" she began but noticed Tamaki sitting on the table.

"Tamaki, get down" she hissed at him and he smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry miss but Kaori wanted a better look at my good looks" he replied whilst winking at Kaori and then sitting down.

"Tamaki you're such a tease" Hikaru remarked.

They all turned to the front facing the line of students who just walked in.

"So students, meet your guides" Miss Katsuki announced whilst gesturing towards the seated students.

"Now introduce yourselves" she ordered them, nodding in an attempt to encourage them.

"Uh konichiha, Erina desu" a girl quietly spoke whilst bowing, she had short brown hair and big round eyes.

"She's cute" Kaori thought to herself.

A boy whom Kaori recognised stepped forward.

"Konicha, Heechul toimasu. Hajimashite." He spoke confidently, winking at Kaori.

Kaori was taken aback and looked away, feeling a bit flustered.

"Konichiha, Yoongi desu" a pale boy spoke sleepily.

When the introductions were done with, they sat down with their partners leaving Kaori sitting with the charming Heechul.

"I'm Kaori, nice to meet you" Kaori introduced herself in fluent Korean.

"Nice Korean" he complemented in English.

"Your not so bad at Japanese yourself" Kaori answered in fluent english.

Heechul was surprised.

"How many languages do you know?" He asked in Korean.

"Hmm maybe about 10" she replied, taking time to estimate accurately.

"Now students it's off to first lesson, stay together now" Miss Katsuki announced.

Kaori and Heechul picked up their bags and transferred to their next class which was Japanese.

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