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  As I followed Gruncle Ford down the stairs I couldn't help but think about Dipper. I don't know what's wrong with him, or if that even is him, but I do know it has something to do with Bill. That stupid dorito has already messed with our lives enough, can't he just let us be? Besides he's supposed to be dead.
   When we reached the bottom of the stairs and made sure that Dipper couldn't hear us, we began to discuss the situation.
  "Gruncle Ford what's wrong with Dipper, is he ok?" I asked my six fingered Gruncle.
   "I'm not absolutely positive about the situation but it seems it has something to do with Bill." He told me.
"Well anyone could figure that out Poindexter." Said Stan.
  "Apparently it seems that Bill and Dipper's mind has fused, affecting his memory, witch might explain the nicknames." Continued Ford, completely ignoring him.
"But how? How did Bill manage to get into Dipper's head?" I asked.
He stood there thinking about my question.
"Mabel, did anything happen to you when you crossed the border into Gravity Falls?" He asked.
"Well yah. We got in a car wreak."
"But do you know why?" He continued to ask me.
"Yah, there was this huge beacon of light coming from the middle of the forest." I told him.
  "The real question here is if you know how to fix this Ford." Stan said to his brother.
"Yah Gruncle Ford can you fix him?" I asked.
"The only way I know how is erasing him out of Dipper's mind, but since their fused I don't know how much it will affect Dipper."
"What about your weird circle seance thing?" Stan had asked.
"It won't work. Since Bill is fused with Dipper he's technically an entirely different entity."
"So Dipper is gone?" I asked.
"No not entirely, I can figure out a way to extract Bill from Dipper's mind, but i need some time. If you can keep Dipper stable until I'm finished then he should be fine. Are you up for the challenge?" He asked.
"Yes sir!" I told him.
"Good. Now go and check on Dipper."
"Aye aye Captain!" I said saluting to him and then running up the stairs and back into the attic.
  I won't let Bill hurt my family anymore. We will save you Dipper, I promise.

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