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Its been to long
Mables P.O.V

It's been about three hours since Dip-...since Bill had left. After he disappeared I was bombarded with questions from my friends. When everyone had calmed down and I had told them everything I knew, they had left, one by one, without saying a word.

Since then I had just been waiting in the living room.

I sat on the couch with Waddles stretched out below me on the floor. I flicked nervously through the channels, never staying on one station for long.

I kept flicking looking for something to watch but never staying on the same show for too long, until I heard my phone go off. Remembering I left it in my room, I sulkily made my way up the stairs and to the attic. Pictures of memories of that perfect summer flicking in and out of my vision.

Before I had even made it halfway up the stairs I heard the front door open and felt my heart beat quicken. I raced down the stairs careful to not slip and fall on my butt. I knew exactly who was at the door and I had a few questions for him.


Bill's P.O.V

To be honest, sitting next to shooting star-
Shut up.

To be honest sitting next to shooting star was a little nerve wracking. She kept giving me death glares and odd looks, waiting for me to answer her questions, which in all honesty I had forgotten.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well what?" I had responded, the corners of my mouth twitching up slightly.

She groaned and slammed her head on the table clearly frustrated by my hilarious antics.

"Don't play dumb with me Cipher. This isn't some game." She had growled as she lifted her head off the filthy table.

I huffed in amusment.

"Oh but this is a game. And playing dumb is something you tend to excel at."  I said as I stared at her with the same intesnsity she uses to give me those death glares.

She sighed as she came to the conclusion I wasn't gonna talk easily.

"Look all I want to know is how your alive. How you," she paused," how this happened and how long you will stay like this. Easy questions with easy answers." She told me.

I looked at her, then to my reflection in the near by window, then back to her.

I sighed.

"Alright, first off, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you prepare, train or practice, it is entirely impossible to kill an immortal being, such as myself. You can pray as hard as you want, sacrifice as much as your willing to but you can't entirely or utterly destroy me. To destroy someone in the sense you speak of is to kill them and for something to die it has to have a mortal soul, which I have explained before, I do not have." I finished slightly out of breath.

She nodded as she absorbed the information I was telling her.

"Go on." She said.

"Second off, I was freed because you re-entered Gravity Falls."

"I know that. I want to know why you chose Dippper." She huffed.

"I didn't."

"What?" She said as she gave me a confused look.

"I had no choice in the matter. I was to weak to have any choice, really. Pine Tree was just the closest thing I could get to. I mean do you really think if I could have chosen anyone in your pathetic town it would be pine tree? I mean don't get me wrong it's not like I'm complaining." I mumbled the last part incoherently.

I looked back at shooting star who seemed to understand my answer.

"Okay, last question. When are you leaving?" Shooting star had asked.

"Well thats pretty easy. Never."


It's been too long since I updated and this chapter is too short, and I want to have excuse to why I haven't updated in so long, but the fact is, I don't. The only thing I can say is I'm sorry. Hope you guys forgive me. 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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