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   (Mabel's POV)
  It's been about a week since Dipper... since the car crash. To be honest it isn't the living hell I thought it would be. Dipper's been recovering well and Bill hasn't really been active. Its still kinda worrying though, I mean, my brother, the one person who has stayed by my side since birth, has had his mind taken over by the most powerful being in the multiverse. All in all, it's been a pretty normal week.
   But at least theirs a silver lining to all this. As I have said before Dipper has gotten better, and Bill's been inactive, so my Gruncle's and I have decided that it's ok for Wendy and our friends to visit. Dipper's gonna be so stoked!
     I just hope nothing goes wrong.

    (Dipper's POV)

    Mabel said since I've been doing well, our friends can come over and visit. I don't know what she means by 'since I've been doing well'. She probably means the injury's.
    I sometimes find them looking at me like I'm a murderer, like I might snap at anytime. It's unsettling really. I mean, their my family, I would never hurt them...right?
   I find that I'm doubting myself more often. It's annoying really. It's frustrating and pointless, it's almost like I've gone insane.
Maybe Mabel's right. Maybe I really shouldn't see our friends. If I'm actually thinking I've gone insane, than haven't I already? Maybe I have.
Maybe I haven't.

I just wish this voice in my head would go away.

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