Its Great To Be Back

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   (Mabel's POV)
    "Hey guys!" I said to my friends as I invited them inside. I saw Wendy, Candy, Grenda, and for some reason Robbie and Giddeon. I didn't think the two boys liked us very much, but I guess six years could change a person.
    "Oh Mabel! It's so good to have you back!" Said Candy.
"Yah we missed you!" Grenda had shouted over the rest.
"I missed you guys too!" I said embracing them in a hug. Its great to be back.
   "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but where is Dipper?" I heard Giddeon say. Strange, why would Giddeon want to know where my Bro Bro would be.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked him.
"Well I um...I..." He started mumbling something but before he could finish Wendy cut him off.
"I forced Robbie and Giddeon to come so they can apologise to him about all the crap they did." She explained.
"Oh, ok. I'll go get him!" I said running up the stairs and into the attic.
       "Hey Dipper! Our friends are here!" I shouted out, halfway up the stairs. I waited for a response but didn't hear one. I walked into the attic and saw Dipper lying on the floor unconscious.
"Dipper!" I screamed out, running towards my brother.
I sat down next to him and placed his head in my lap. I felt his forehead, he was burning up.
"Dipper! Dipper can you hear me?!" I shouted. Then I started shaking him, poking him, anything to get him to wake up.
     "Mabel what's wrong!" I heard Wendy say from behind me, our friends trailing behind her, each one looking equally worried.
"It's Dipper!" I told her.
  She walked over to us and placed her hand on his head. But before she had time to do anything, he opened his eyes.
"Hello Shooting Star. Guess who's back?" He said.
I saw Wendy jump back, fear in her eyes. He stood up as if he didn't even faint, and looked directly at me.
"Bill." I whispered, terrified.
"Yup, and boy, it is great to be back!"

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