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I heard a slow shuffling noise that ripped me from Ana’s dream word as my thoughts trailed off.

A distant voice cried out to me, “Jada, your mom has been diagnosed with type two cancer” he whispered gently into my ears.

I knew who was speaking in an instant, Dad, he always brought French fries. (I could smell them.)

“What” I thought wanting to scream

How could this happen I thought feeling useless

“I need to do something for him...I have to …I can’t …. I must.”

I twitched wreathing, trying with every fiber of my being to wake up.


zilch ,zip ,nada

This time I twitched and pushed my hand out, -with all my will power- at dad I wanted to comfort him but all that effort…


zip, zilch, nada,

In the midst of my depressing and morbid thoughts of mother’s cancer, it occurred to me that a husky male voice was speaking “think we should, her parents can’t afford this kind of intensive care for Jada, especially after the diagnostics of her mother…maybe we should unplug her.”

“What!” my father screeched, “this is human being not just some toy you can unplug…no …no…NO!”      “ I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!” He shouted slamming into the wall in anger.

“Jada, if you can hear me please, try to move or something, please help me, I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“I’m sure you will do what is best for your daughter and wife.” the doctor said shifting uncomfortably

“Oh shit, I’m screwed,” my morbid thoughts got more horrifying as I let my imagination take over.

I felt something wet on my face

It ran down my nose and landed right on my father’s hand

What is this… is this death. Oh, its less eventful than I imagined.

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