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 I laid back down fascinated by the harmonious beep of the heart monitor… was it true was she …she must have been…my dream girl. I sighed

Oh, my god I have to see her again how could she disappear my mind was bursting. I knew sleep would never come. I reached into my pocked and went on twitter, today’s update

Hey everybody,

Today I died for 1 minute

(I saw nothing)

Annoyed by the fact that I only got 2 re-tweets, I went online.

 I searched dream girl here is what popped up

100 results                      

I saw her like an angel floating as a beacon of light…(click to read more)

She saved me from sewed, weird right…(click to read more)

Her eyes were pools of shame and despair, hero or villain…(click to read more)

I was suffocated my acid and she handed me a mask…(click to read more)

Her figure made me think she was a ghost unformed and lucid…(click to read more)

All she said was “Shut up and duck the fires going to burn your ass”…(click to read more)

I was dying of starvation and she hands me some chicken wings…(click to read more)

(bla bla that random junk that pops up u don’t care about)

(chat link)

(5 chat members online at 2:00)

I logged on in ten seconds flat

@Jefferytheturtle: hello ??????

@Soyouthinkucandance: sup B)

@thequestionguy132: hey

@goingcrazy: does anyone else see rainbows when they blink :/

@helpmeilovechoclate: HEY PEOPLE <3 <3 <3

@kene: hello

@Soyouthinkucandance: Wow creative name @kene

@kene: shut up

@Soyouthinkucandance: angry much

@kene: well then @Soyouthinkucandance what should I change it to

@Soyouthinkucandance: how about @sarcamguy or @internetkid

(@kene changed his name to @shutup@Soyouthinkucandance )

@thequestionguy132: I love his new name, classy never trashy

@Jefferytheturtle: focus people

@Kene: sorry bro @Soyouthinkucandance started it

@Soyouthinkucandance: shut up I have better things to do with my life than this

@kene yeah right

@goingcrazy: lets all just focus our center energy together and show the love of the world and life, u only live once

@kene anyone else afraid of @goingcrazy

@helpmeilovechoclate: yes very much so

@Soyouthinkucandance; gotta agree with the idiot on that one

@goingcrazy: peace and love man love the world give it a hug from the pit of your stomach

@Jefferytheturtle: blocked @goingcrazy

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