Impal Down, Dun! Dun! Dun!

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Just as Lucy opened the door, she hears the marines say, "Vice admiral momonga! We've arrived at Impal Down!" "Hurry and open the gates!" 

Lucy anxiously sweated, what kind of horrid place is this going to be? She've heard lots of horrible rumors, even if the people in it are criminals, they don't deserve this.

Lucy looked up as the giant gates, slowly opened, the sky grey, with fog surrounding them, even the weather is gloomy.

Lucy wondered if it was called the largest prison in the world based on its gates?

"Call Hancock!" Oh, she should go to Hancock now, as soon as the marines finished calling Hancock Lucy entered the room, "currently this is the most dangerous place in the world. It is obvious that it would be well-guarded."

"Wow is that white beard guy that strong? He seems terrifying" Hancock nodded, before turning to Luffy, with a shocked expression "But are you telling me you witnessed buster call? I've only heard rumors of it..." Hancock started to retail what she heard from the rumors.

While Lucy looked at Luffy with a new found admiration, ' he is like a cockroach, so hard to kill' she mused.

"Now hide under My clothes"

Lucy will never get used to hearing that..

As they got out of the ship, other marines started to woo and coo, at Hancock and Lucy, Hancock of course bluntly ignored them, while Lucy gave them a smile and waved.

Hancock stopped, and looked at them from the corner of her eyes, "what is all the fuss about? They're noisy, May I petrify them?" 

"Please don't, the navy doesn't need any more humiliation" mononoga said, sweating. Lucy couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.

"Your condition for helping us, was you wanted to see the center of this attention, portgas D. Ace, for yourself, correct? I told you before, but this place is-" Lucy kind of just tuned them out, and looked at impal down, she already heard what momonga said before, no need to hear it again. 

" - You will be restrained with sea stone shackles" is what caught her attention. "As well as your companion" he referred to Lucy, "I've heard that she has some strange powers as well, which can only mean she has a devil fruit" "wait-" Lucy stopped, thinking about it, isn't it better if they believed she ate a devil fruit? Cause then it would be easier to escape and go help, "Yes that is correct" Lucy played along, Hancock nodding at her in approval.

"You'll also have to go through a full body check at the entrance" Lucy couldn't help but to wrap her arms around herself, it's going to be done by a woman right? 

Of course, or else someone is going to get Lucy kicked to edoles.

"I don't mind" " I do!" Lucy silently said, beside how is Luffy going to sneak away?! What if they get caught and thrown into impal down themselves?! 

The gates opened, and Lucy could hear their screams, "help! Someone! Help!" She shivered. Is this hell? Lucy inquired, it is for the people in it probably.

Lucy would've summoned plue, but the poor spirit wouldn't be able to handle this place, he'd be traumatized for eternity!

A pharaohs looking man greeted them, Lucy blinked at him, people here just get weirder and weirder. His name is hannyabal (Why are all the names hard?!)

"And you must be Empress Hancock-dono? My Empress hancock-dono? Oh im sorry I'm being ambitious," Lucy cringed, and even momonga looked at hannyabal like he was mad. Hancock was unimpressed. 

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