A thing or two to worry about

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So... right now it all seemed fine. Mal felt like she was fitting in, and she could relax again. That's actually the best she ever felt in her entire life.

So all should be fine, except it wasn't. Not that she knew why. Maybe she was just so used to something being wrong, that she couldn't understand the fact that everything was fine.

That was at least what Fairy Godmother had said. Yeah, she had learned to talk with people about her problems. But Ben on the other hand said that... well she hadn't quite told him. Because she didn't want to worry him, he would probably just jump to the conclusion that she was in danger. And then she had him worrying about her, and then he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his king stuff. Some things are better kept quite, she thought.

And right now, maybe she should just worry about Audrey coming back.

The next day at school, she bumped into Audrey on the way to her locker.
"I heard you ran away to the isle," she said.

Mal just glared at her, walking past her. She reached the lockers, and opened hers. She got a smile on her face, when she saw the pictures of her and Ben, she had inside of it. She reached in to grap what she needed, and closed it again. When she turned across the corner, she was facing Ben.

"Hi, Ben," she said.

"Hi, Mal, where are you going?"

"Oh no where special," she said, "I'm just chilling."

"Chillin' like a villain?" He asked teasingly.

"Haha. What about you?"

"I was actually just looking for you, I want to show you something. You know... it's an even day."

Mal laughed, "oh yeah, how could I forget?"

He took her hand and dragged her back to her own dorm room. He opened the door, and they both walked into the room.

It wasn't the biggest gift she had had, that was the stained glass, (which actually was standing in her room right now), but it was definitely one of the funniest.

It was a painted picture of Maleficent marrying Chad.

Mal couldn't help but laugh, "Why?" She asked.

"Because..." Ben said, " Fairy Godmother told me that your worrying about something, and I know you didn't tell me because you don't want me to worry, but I just thought that it maybe had something to do with your mom. So I thought, that if everytime you feel afraid of betrayed by her, you can just look at this picture and turn it into something fun." He paused, "and I know it doesn't change anything, I just wanted you to know that I'm here. And what I really wanted to tell you, was that you don't need to worry about me worrying about you. Cause I always does, but that's because I love you. And I love worrying about you, cause then I know that you're save. But if I don't know what's going on, I will worry even more." He stopped.

Mal was just standing there looking at him. He saw a few tears form in her eyes, but he just smiled. Mal finally locked her arms around his neck. "I love you too," she said.

They just hugged, for a really long time.

"Lets just hope Chad doesn't find this," she said giggling, and pointing at the painting, "did you paint it yourself?"

Ben pulled away from their hug, and looked at the painting. "Yeah I did, one of my greatest masterpieces," he said laughing.

"Thank you, Ben," she said, "I just gotta get used to someone caring about me." She looked down, but Ben lifted up her head, kissing her.

"I do." He said.

Mal smiled. "Hey you know what?" She laughed.


"I totally ship my mom and Chad! We could call them Chaleficent."

Ben laughed hugging her again.

Maybe there really was nothing to worry about, at least the feeling disappeared after that day.

But of course there would always be the little things, like the day Chad found the picture. Or actually Audrey found it, after she had followed Evie to the room, to talk about a new dress she was making for her. And yeah... Audrey told Chad, and of course Chad told Fairy Godmother. You probably think Fairy Godmother gave the talk about not making fun of others. And yeah okay... she started to, but when Ben told her the reason for Mal having it, she seemed to understand.

And Maleficent she's still a lizard, and she can look at the picture everyday. So Mal just hoped that she wouldn't become human again quite soon, cause then she would probably be in trouble. But on the other hand, she thought, if her mom became human again, there would probably be a lot of other things Mal would pay for first! Like for example choosing good!

Mal and Ben ~ Oneshots 💜💙Where stories live. Discover now