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She's gone. Melody Asher Novak. A 14 year old girl who had just gotten her whole family back. Dies. Wow Tragic huh? Well her family took it as well as they could. They couldn't bring them selves to give her a hunter's burial. So they buried her at their makeshift cemetery.

Dean and Sam having lived with Mel her whole life, took it a little harder than the others surprisingly. Dean fell in to his depressing drunk state, was drunk every morning and every night. Sam was depressed but put that into hunting. Killing everything he could.

Cas and meg. Hated life for a whole year, until they finally let go of the pain. And moved on with life. They had more children.

Ben, well Ben never really got over the loss of his girlfriend. For him it was true love. And Mel could only ever have one True love. And Ben was her's he never got over her death and he believes he never will. It took him till he was almost 26 till he finally tried to move on.

And he did find a girl he loved. (Not as much as he loved Mel but, he still loved her.) they got married and had a daughter together. They named her Melody Hero Winchester.

Now no one in this story had a happy ending, everyone having the ups and downs of life. They left Mel's room the way it had been. Never being able to finish the paintings on her wall.

They knew what the first three paintings were gonna be. But never did they know what that final wall was gonna be painted.

In honor of her family, Mel was gonna paint them all. Dean, Sam, Cas, Meg, Mel, and Ben. Leaning against the impala. All hugging each other.
And then around them everyone they have ever known, or cared about.

Charlie, Kevin, Adam, Benny, Jess, Mary, John. So on. Now this story was a heart breaking one. Who knew. Now castiel's daughter brought a lot of monsters into this world but destroyed them all. The world was finally safe. Monsters still roamed the wild. Hunting people. But less then before.

Now no one knew the hero who saved them from the worst monster in the world, cause well no one new about monsters.

But the ones who did know about the monsters. They Knew about the savior. So Mel didn't die in vain.

And maybe one day she will come back like her mother. But who knows. But you didn't think this was the end of the story. Did you?

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