Even a monster will hide if frightened.

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Fear. Fear is like a particle in the mind that tells you that nothing in a room is safe. Encre no longer felt safe when as he was sleeping something lifted him off the soft bed under him. His body wouldn't wake and his dreams collapsed into a hell of nightmare possibilities. Who had taken him? Why were they taking him? Encre panicked, he was a wreck. He felt the person hold him close to their chest, then they set him down on another bed. He heard the door shut and his eyes fluttered open. This was the room he started in! Encre sat up and sighed in defeat. There was nothing to do in this room and he was going to be imprisoned here forever he assumed. Well if he was going to be trapped forever he might as well change the looks of this bland place!
Encre whipped out his paintbrush and his paints. He dipped out some of his most favored colors and drenched his brush into one of them. The brush danced across the walls creating an array of beauty. The colors enlightened Encre, made him feel whole again. He painted his joy, his sorrow and whatever else made his mind. When Encre stepped back to admire his work, he realized that he unintentionally painted what appeared to be a huge mouth with two pointed fangs it looked like it was going to swallow him whole. He sighed again and began painting another section of the wall, but kept his mind happy and nostalgic. The end result was more enjoyable than the first. He flopped back onto the bed not bothering to clean up his paints. He didn't know what to do...He had no friends here, he was surrounded by vampires and he was trapped forever...

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