Chap 12. You Again

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The week was atrocious. It consisted of stupid teachers who don't teach you anything,  Ava and her 'gang', and trying to look for a job.

Monday . . .  Ava, school, pressure.
Tuesday . . . Ava, school, job, tired.
Wednesday. . . Ava, school, assessment, exam.
Thursday. . . Ava, school, still no job.
Friday . . . Ava's away. Yay. School,but still no job and still really tired.

I was woken up by the sun peering through my curtain. The birds were making weird chirping noises as I struggled to climb out of bed. I made my way to my bathroom. Luckily I had the house to myself, since Emma's been at a 'friends' house. I knew it was Phil, but Emma assures me it isn't.

She still doesn't know what I did on Sunday. I'm glad.

I climbed into the shower and let the hot/cold water trickle down my spine. The feeling helped me think. I did this often. To calm me down, drown my thoughts in the water.

Oh fudge cakes. I have to see Dan at Starbucks in . . . 1 hour? What will I wear? Oh no there's going to be so many questions. I don't like that, ughhh why? I'll probably crack under all the attention and pressure and end up crying at the coffee shop.

I realised I was talking to myself, something I did quite a lot. Thank goodness Emma wasn't  here. I wrapped my towel around my (chose your body type). I walked into my room and started to look through my clothes. I needed something with long sleeves, and maybe a skater skirt. I searched and searched. I wondered how much easier it would be with Emma. I finally decided on an outfit.

A/N Chose an outfit, or pick your own. But make sure your wearing a skirt and you have long sleeves.

 But make sure your wearing a skirt and you have long sleeves

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I walked out the door with ten minutes to spare

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I walked out the door with ten minutes to spare. I decided to go past the park and enjoy the cold day. I eventually found my way to Starbucks /wait at Starbucks for Dan. I walked through the door and heard a ding. I looked over to my usual spot, in the corner of the café. Unfortunately it was taken by someone. Their brown, curly hair seemed very familiar. They head turned around and our eyes met. It was serine. I walked over to him and smiled. He replied the gesture and I sat opposite him on the table.

"Soo," He spoke breaking the silence.

"So, umm how have you been?" I asked trying to break the awkwardness.

"Um good, I guess, not much going on really. How's uni going?"

"Well Uni is great, so much fun, there's so many nice people. It's amazing." I state, over exaggerating my sarcastic tone.

Then there was an awkward silence. It lasted so long. At that moment I realised how awkward we both were.

Dan the started, "OK I know you probably don't want to, but I would love for you to explain what happened on Sunday,"

"Can we order something first, there's going to be a lot of explaining,"

We both sat up and made our way to the counter. Luckily the line was only short, so there wasn't to much waiting. We were two spots away from being served, and I offered to pay. I got out my change and notes since we were both knew what we were going to order.

I dropped a coin on the floor and bent down to pick it up. Just as I did that there was a ring from the doorbell. Followed by a gust of wind. I suddenly felt the cold air on my thighs and my butt.

My skirt had been lifted up by the wind.

I stood up straight, and flattened out my skirt in attempt to act cool. As if nothing had happened, hopefully no one saw. That's when it happened. Some guy whistled, then a chain affect happened. I felt me face turn bright red. Dan must've not seen since he seemed confused.

The cashier then asked what we would like to order, obviously oblivious to what had just happened. I tried to seem normal, but I hated the attention. Especially in that sort of way. I told him my name, followed by Dans. After a 3 minute wait, the cashier finally calls out our names. I grabbed my drink, and found a number on it. I turned to the cashier to find him winking at me. I scolded him, then turned to Dan.

"Hey umm Dan, could we maybe go somewhere else. I don't want to be here anymore," I asked.

"Sure, would you like to come back to my place? We can talk there," Dan replied.

"Yeah that would be great,"


Hey srry it took so long to update. I've been so busy.

Omg almost 1k views AHHHH

Kk bye!!

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