2. This Is Not The Time For Jokes!

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The next morning, I receive a notification on my phone saying that someone named "Daniel Seavey" started following me. I decide to see who he is and how he knows me. As I look through the pictures, I realize that he's the boy with the sweet smile and pretty blue eyes.

"Ohhh," I say as I come to my realization.

"What?" Clove, my best friend, asks.

"Just the person who let me have the headphones just followed me," I say.

"Who is he?" Clove asks.

"Daniel Seavey," I say, not anticipating Clove's freak out the next second.

"Daniel fucking Seavey?!" She asks in disbelief. "No way."

"Nope, it's him. Why who is he?" I ask, showing her my phone.

"Daniel Seavey is only like the hottest male being on this earth! In all humans, second only to me but still. He can sing, and he's hot af," Clove squeals after examining my phone.

"Well, I mean he is cute," I say, examining the pictures better.

"I'm sorry what? Just 'cute'?! Bitch do you need glasses?" Clove shouts.

"Well, Dr. Clove would prescribe some Clove Glasses which help the user see the world like Ms. Clove Summers," I reply with a smirk.

"This is not the time for jokes!" Clove says with a serious tone.

"Fine explain what you like," I say.

"Umm, have you seen his eyes? They're so magnificent. I mean just look at them," she says, gesturing to my phone.

"Yeah, I thought of him as the blue eyed boy," I say.

"Hey! Could you find a way for me to meet Why Don't We?" asks an excited Clove.


"Why Don't We, only like the best boyband ever."


"Oh lemme just show you," says Clove as she grabs my phone.

When she hands me back my phone, a song is playing on Spotify. I look at the song's name and it's called "All My Love" by Why Don't We. The tune makes me wanna dance a little. I look up at Clove who is lip syncing to all the lyrics and acting like the doofus she is. I start giggling at her and she pouts.

"Are you listening to the song?" She asks.

"Yeah I am, it's really good," I reply.

"Good," Clove says.

She grabs my phone again and plays another song called "Something Different."

"Oh dm him!" Clove exclaims.

"Okay okay! Calm down woman!" I say.

DM's between Alexandria and Daniel

A: Hey boy with the blue eyes! Thanks for the headphones 

D: You can call me by name now and no problem. Anything for a beautiful girl

A: Oh stop, you're making me blush

D: Why thank you. May I get your number?

A: Dang, you move fast Seavey

D: Oh not like that!

A: don't worry, I get what you mean *insert number here*

D: thanks

A: no, thank you. It isn't everyday that a celebrity follows me

D: my fans did that, I didn't do much

A: and humble too. You seem to be quite the charmer Mr. Seavey

D: Am I stealing your heart yet?

A: in your dreams

D: okay, I'm gonna go sleep now to dream

A: you take instructions very literally

D: thanks?

A: shoo! Now go dream about me

D: well someone's eager for that to happen

A: what? Pshht not me. I have to go now

D: mhmm ok bye

I look up from my phone and release a long sigh. Then I start laughing. I just talked to a celebrity. I put my head in my hands, still laughing. Clove walks in.

"So what happened?" She asks.

I just hand her the phone.

"He said you were pretty!!" Clove squeals. "Some would kill to be in your position."

"I know," I sigh and a smile consumes half of my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Asks Clove.

"Nothing," I get up. "Now are we going to the mall or what?"

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They Were Just Headphones » D.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن