April 11th - A Worn Paperback

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Slightly loved,

certainly not at the point

of no return quite yet.

Still readable.

Taken on boat rides,

subways, trains,

buses, airplanes.

Small cars,

big cars,

cars with no roof.

Held in the hands

of the young,

the adolescent,

the young adult,

the middle aged man,

the elderly woman,

by all those who crave

a different world

to delve deep within

as a passageway

to an alternate reality.

As a way to escape

the life currently being lived,

one mundane event after another.

Wishing for something else,

something not being satisfied

by repeating the same routine

each and every day,

by law.

By obligation.

By social blackmail.

A story that was written by

someone with the same problem;

desperately wanting to be somewhere else.

Wanting to tell a story that

has no boundaries.

No queues,

no social obscurities.

One that could be accepted

for what it truly is:

a story.

Held in the pages

of a worn paperback,

the story continues

long after it’s raconteur

has ran it’s

evanescent course of life.

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