April 20th - Play Things

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He collected sock monkeys.

Maybe as an attempt

to regain some of his

empty childhood,

maybe as a way

to remember.

They slept on

the comforter of his bed,

as he stayed up into

the hours of the morning,

studying for the life

so imminent,

he could almost taste it.

He wanted to escape,

and just take every chance

violently thrown at him

or not.

He wanted it all,

all the heartbreak,

all the pain,

all the frustration.

He wanted to life.


why did he collect sock monkeys?

Seems like an odd

collection item.

But they serve as company.

And they won’t discourage him,

like too many had.

People he trusted,

people he loved.

Sock monkeys wouldn’t say

they won’t be hypocrites,

and then break their own damn rule.

Sock monkeys are loyal companions,

but they are only toys.

The moment he realizes

his life isn’t a thing of play,

he’ll be able to take himself seriously.

And prove all those assholes

he was right.

Because he is.

Just you wait.

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