April 12th - Forced Disguise

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I imagine myself

leaving this place,

finally but unfortunately.

I don't see a better option,

but what exactly do I know?

Nothing of significance,

what am I supposed to do?

I can't travel by myself,

having such a young face.

No one understands how old I feel,

or how frustrated I get when

people treat me like I'm two.

People would relegate me

if I tried to fit into their world.

Simply by appearance,

I would be torn apart.

There are always exceptions,

of course.

Like the old man on the train

who would comment on my reading selection

and start a conversation about

his favorite works.

I would smile.

But, I'm talking about the man

in the ticketing booth

who would give me a snarl,

and say,

"Only adults can purchase a ticket. "

I'm talking about the dirty looks

I'd be shot with,

simply by walking down the street.

I'm talking about the people

who ask questions like,

"Are you sure you're old enough for that?"

I'm talking about the people

who have diliberately blocked out

"my generation".

Just another label

closed minded people

who think they have authority simply

because they've walked the damn earth

just a little longer have made

to separate themselves from "us".

But my soul has been around awhile.

There are things people my age

don't understand, but somehow,

I do.

I understand concepts

some people may never understand,

even if they have years of life experience.

But that's not an excuse for people

to ridicule me just because

they can't seem to remember

they were my age once too.

They're just masking me

with their own frustrations

towards themselves when

they were young.

So before you try to correct me,

or tell me I'm "too young",

maybe you should step back

and actually




I'm not your mask,

never have been,

never will be.

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