Prologue: Finn's Vision

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There was a young man with wild gray-white hair, along with various green and purple tattoos covering every single visible inch of his pale skin (except his face) on his body hiding his spirit animal. The tattoos are:inked mazes, circles, stars, moons, knots, and stylized creatures. Among the tattoos is a Zhongese symbol, similar to Yin and Yang. Also,he has eyes as dark blue as the night sky. His name is Finn, one of the greatest warriors of Erdas.
Finn dreamed he was in a Euran field. He was on top of a steep, grassy slope. The sky was bright and the sun still rising.
Then he saw her.
A flock of white cranes was flying south, towards the sunrise. The birds' feathers reflected off the pink dawn. Under the flying flock is the girl, who stopped at the top of the higher slope and watched with awe and a huge smile on her face. She was playing with a wild Ferruginous hawk, who gave playful squawks at the girl when she got to touch the hawk's feathers. The girl is light-skinned, with long wavey golden hair, keen and knowing sky-blue eyes, as unfathomable as the sky and ocean. She has long-limbs and is quite lean. She has purple and pink flower tattoos around her upper arms, with blue and purple leaves that looks more like feathers than leaves. On the girl's chest is gold, silver, purple, and blue stars, moons, stylized creatures, and feathers along with feathered gold and silver tattoos on her forehead, down to her nose.
When she was about go she caught sight of Finn.
A slow recognition sparked the girl's gaze as she walked slowly towards Finn.
"Do I know you?" she asked, when she was in front of Finn.
"I don't know,do I know you?" said Finn quietly.
The girl just sat down with a shrug.
"What's your name?" asked Finn.
"Estrella is my name." replied the girl." Your name?"
"Finn." said Finn.
"Um, I'm not sure why your name rings a bell." said Estrella.
"Me either." said Finn, but a wild hope came into his chest." What's your last name?"
A little confused, Estrella said. "Cooley."
"You're my sister?" gasped Finn.
"So it seems." said Estrella, her expression hidden.
"What happened?" asked Finn.
"When our parents heard about the news of our bothers and about you, they grieved for days and days. They finally agreed to give birth to another child. But when they got older, they knew they couldn't keep me, because my spirit is wild, like fire, and can't be helped. They gave me to the Earl of Trunswick's family. And well, I lived there ever since. Treated with servants, being pampered, and talk back to the earl about my opinions. But I missed you guys and our parents." said Estrella.
Too shocked to say anything, he began speak in a low voice.
"How old are you?" asked Finn.
"I'm turning thirteen years old, the earl's wife is arguing about doing my Nectar Ceremony." said Estrella.
"Let's hope you can summon a spirit animal." said Finn.
With a smile,"For now, we can see each other again if that's possible." said Estrella.
Estrella kissed Finn's lips, she backed away from him, with a look of wisdom and knowledge.
Finn was only by himself at the Moon Tower.
The Moon Tower has a dim room. It was cluttered with musical instruments, mysterious pieces of art, and mirrors. There was a pile of drums as tall as a girl, a piano-like instrument the size of a dog, and a bin full of flutes and recorders. A portrait of a girl smiled at her from one wall, while a mural of a man leading dozens of unfamiliar animals through a field covered another. The room smelled like dust, wood, leather, but also to Finn's sadness, like the outdoors, though, again, he couldn't explain why.
He usually comes to the Moon Tower to remember about his past, his spirit animal, Donn, and their difficult bondage.
The last time Finn saw Donn was during his final battle, near Zhong, in Oceanus. He and his brothers were ambushing a small band of the Devourer's allies. There were fifty of them and only five of them, they had fought the worst odds with their spirit animals. Five Marked siblings in one family. The Greencloaks told them they were supposed to accomplish so many great things.
But after he and his brothers built a trap,which was a great pit with young trees and made look like another grassy bank, it had gone all wrong. The Conquerors' spirit animals had discovered it. They tried to fight the conquerors off. All four of his brothers were slaughtered. Alec distracted the conquerors so he could he get away. He nearly lost Donn throughout the battle. Now his spirit animal entered in passive state and he will not come back out.
"Hello?" whispered a new voice.
Finn was surprised to see a Euran boy with golden hair, blue eyes, light-skin. He wore hunting leathers, have a shepherd's hook, and a silver male wolf with cobalt blue eyes is spirit animal named Briggan the Great Wolf.
"Conor." said Finn. "What are you doing here?"
"I too almost lost my spirit animal throughout a battle." said Conor.
"How?" asked Finn.
"Me and a few friends were in a open field, until we heard screaming and battle cries. So me and my friends went to investigate the noise. We hid ourselves in dark cloaks, unseathed our weapons, and called our spirit animals. Then we took the Conquerors behind them on a surprise attack." said Conor.
Conor gave a bitter smile that gave Finn a stab of anxiety.
"Recovering had been difficult. It was horrific. Not just me,but for Briggan. I nearly lost him. During the battle, he had entered passive state and he didn't come out."
Finn made a sound in his throat.
"You doubt it, then again no one had summoned a legendary black panther." said Conor.
True enough, knew Finn.
"But when all the summoners of the Legendary Beasts and Great Beasts are called to the Evertree, the Leader Keeper told me 'once a true bond is formed, no bond can be broken from the depths of a injury.'
Finn glanced at the window. He remembers the scent of wildflowers, sea breeze, and the sky left on Estrella's skin and hair.

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