Chapter Seven:The Leader Keeper's Catch

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A girl was trying to stay hidden in the shadow. She wore weathered and leathered black cloak and a iron armor, she also has a iron-black bow, arrows, a sword, and a huge black male panther. She lives in a ancient valley of Eura, where the Hellan Warriors used to live. There was wood and leafed made treehouses, high in the trees.  By the waterfalls, caves, and at the tall trees' roots. Her, her family, friends, and closest allies live in Grainte Hills and all their spirit animals are twice the size of their normal sizes. All doglike, catlike, and birdlike animals are twice their normal sizes and big enough for their owners to ride on the spirit animals' backs.
But girl left her black panther in passive state. And she was trying to hide from the two outsiders of the Clans of Animals. The outsiders came into view, after crossing huge bushes.
The two outsiders are girls. One girl had summoned Atalanta, the Legendary Mountain lion and the other had summoned Mithra, the Great Ferruginous Hawk. The first girl has long and wavey golden hair, blue eyes, light-skinned, and a scar marked on her left cheek. She wore hunting leathers, a golden cloak, golden tralisman with a carving of a mountain lion, countless longswords, longbow, and countless arrows. Next to her is a great mountain lion. Next to the warrior is the tattooed girl, who looks like she's from the Northern Eura and looks like she is somewhat related to the warrior. The huntress has long golden hair, blue eyes, light-skinned, bright and beautiful tattoos, and on her shoulder is Mithra. She wore hunting leathers, a golden cloak, a titaium tralisman with a carving of a Ferruginous hawk, honed bow, countless arrows, and countless longswords.
The girl of the two strangers' chase isn't alone, above her is a pale-skinned boy with black hair and blue eyes. He wore the same armor. But his spirit animal is a small black, gray-flecked, and white monkey. His name is Mazombo, with him is his older brother, whose name is Ujurak and spirit animal is a black bear. They watched from the trees, not yet noticed the girl that was being chased.
The two girls spoke in hushed whispers.
The two of them and their spirit animals splited up into two directions.
The girl came out behind the bushes and into the small misty clearing. But then the girl with the tattoos and Mithra had jumped from behind the bushes and landed on the girl's chest, when she turned around.
"Help!" cried out the girl in fear.
Mithra's companion met the girl's panicked eyes with her narrowed and unreadable expression.
"No, don't even try." said the huntress, her voice dangerously quiet and threatening. "Or I let Mithra bet you and your black panther."
Mithra was watching from a nearby tree stump, with the similar narrowed amber eyes.
The girl quieted down, and watched the huntress with wide, fearful eyes. The huntress got out her hunting horn.
The horn is white with rimmed gold and silver lining around the the horn. The sound was clear, sharp, and valiant.
Almost immediately, the warrior and Atalanta appeared from the forest shadows.
"Impressive stalking, you are becoming a hunter like your brother and friend, Finn and Abeke." praised the warrior.
The huntress smiled briefly and puffed her chest up in pride but still not releasing her strong grip on the girl.
"Now," said the huntress, turning to the girl. "Tell us why in the name of Tellun, for why your group had been spying on us." The girl pushed harder against the girl's rib cage.
Pain creased over her face and she felt that she was about to scream in pain.
"Taking it easy, Estrella." said the warrior.
More gently, she turned to look at the girl. "What's your name?"
"Akata." said the girl, her voice sounded more like a mouse squeak compared to the other girls' voices.
Akata felt like she's was being watched from a hundreds or thousands of Bonded people are watching them, from the trees and bushes.
"I'm Morgin, Leader Keeper of all High Keepers of Erdas and lost princess of Stetriol." said the warrior, her voice was strong.
"I'm Estrella, caller of the Great Mithra the Ferruginous Hawk." said the huntress, losing up her strong grip on Akata.
A regal silence went over them.
"What are you?" asked Morgin. "What are you doing here?"
"And who are your friends?" asked Estrella, eyeing the Bonded people warily, that came out of hiding with their spirit animals and with weapons drawn cauntionly.
"Me, my family, and friends are Kuknuan Clan, we live in the Tellun's Forest." said Akata.
Estrella finally got off the young girl. Morgin's beautiful sea and sky-blue eyes sparkled with unknowingly kindness, apologetic, and respect.
Akata's description is: she is all limbs, sharp elbows and bony knees. She has pale skin, every inch of her skin was covered in tattoos: inked mazes, circles, stars, moons, knots, stylized creatures, feathers, talons from birds, and paw prints, in colors of purple and green. She has dark brown hair, dyed with hints of silver and cyan, and unusual cyan-colored eyes. When she's at her camp, she wears bright, boisterous clothes, to symbolic the tribute of confidence with the creatures that the Clan that sustain in their life. But when she's outside of the camp, she wears iron made armor, painted in black and silver. A black cloak.
When they got to the campsite. The campsite has ancient buildings, to houses to fallen towers to fallen walls and so on. (Painted in melted white-yellow, turning into dusty white-brown).
The campsite was filled with tattooed people and spirit animals.
They will busy talking to someone else,or was focused down on books, hearths, meals, fires, drinks, songs, weapons, playing with toys and spirit animals. Until they saw the newcomers.
All piercing eyes never left Morgin, Atalanta, Estrella, and Mithra.
Akata can't help but, inspired how proud and regal Morgin and Estrella looked. The mountain lion and Ferruginous hawk also looked fearsome and proud, as well as their partners.
When they finally got to the North Hawk (also known as a huge building, that has is melted white-green paint, its the size of a cave. It has blue-purple-green silks hanging from the ceiling. Inside it has the smell of roasted potatoes, nuts, and herbs. It also seems really dark and shadowy inside).
Akata noticed that the all of the Kuknuan Clan people came out from work and watched the huntresses.
Akata and everyone else started bowing down to the ground. Akata felt the wet grass and dirt on her knees and ankles.
Then he came into the clearing.
The man has unusual shimmering aqua-colored eyes, silver hair, dyed in gold, unusual shimmering aqua-colored tattoos; stars, moons, suns, stylized creatures, talons from birds, paws prints, and feathers. With dark brown skin, that's been weathered from being outside, all strong limbs, and well-muscled. He wore a leader's boisterous clothes and by his side is a huge male golden lion.
"Who are you?" asked the man.
"I am Morgin, new Leader Keeper of all High Keepers of Erdas, lost princess of Stetriol, and bonder of Atalanta the Legendary Mountain Lion." said Morgin.
"I am Estrella, bonder of Mithra the Great Ferruginse Hawk, keeper of the Titaium Ferruginous Hawk talisman, and sister of the boy, who summoned the black wildcat of the North." said Estrella.
"I am Taqqiqi, this is Kion, my spirit animal." said the great leader. 
"Explain how and why you are here." said Taqqiqi.
Estrella stepped forward. Her blue eyes met Taqqiqi's aqua-colored eyes.
"We heading towards the nearest port, when we got attacked by conquerors we got separated from the group. Mithra and Atalanta started acting up, so we started follow to them. We were chased by a wild wolf pack, woke up a sleeping bear, almost becoming lynx food,  then we slid down a mudslide, and into the end of a waterfall." explained Estrella.
"When we were waking up, we saw Akata." explained Morgin, nodded towards Akata. "We were about to ask her for instructions on how to get back to the port, but she got a little surprised when we saw her. So we chased after her for a while."
"And before we knew it, we ended up here." said Estrella. "Wherever here is." Estrella gave Taqqiqi a puzzled look.
"You young ones had found the Place of Heros." said Taqqiqi.

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