Chapter Four: Joining the Leader Keeper

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Estrella was going back to Lady Camila, with her half sisters, Ingrid, Michalina, Serenity, and Illona. Ingrid had summoned a snow leopard, Michalina had summoned a lynx, Serenity had summoned a dove, and Illona had summoned a barn owl.
Anyways, they all went inside to meet the team of Greencloaks and the Redcloak.
A long table lined the edge of the room. One sat higher than the other chairs. Which is where Lady Camila sits, on the left side of the table is where Estrella and the other girls sit at. The table has a red silk in the middle. Sausages lay down with lumps of carrots, rice, chicken legs, cooked patotoes, and chocolate chip cookies,on fifteen plates. And in the cups are fruit juice.
Then Estrella was greeted by Greencloaks and a Redcloak.
"Finn!" cried Estrella to the silver-haired Greencloak.
Mithra sat on top of Estrella's chair.
"Estrella!" cried Finn.
The two of them had enbranced each other for a while.
Meilin gave a silent cough and looked up expectingly at Finn.
"That's..." started Finn, with one arm on Estrella's neck.
Estrella shivered a bit under Finn's weight. It was  getting used to.
"Don't worry, I already know." replied Estrella, knowingly.
She turned to Meilin."You are Meilin, that's Conor, Abeke, Rollan, Morgin, Dawson, and Cordalles." said Estrella, nodding to the other kids she had named.
"That's Ingrid, Michalina, Serenity, and Illona." said Estrella, to the other girls.
"But how did you know who we are?" asked Meilin.
Estrella glanced at Finn, who nobbed encouragingly (though he's eyes show pride and sadness).
"Almost everybody started here rumors about kids summoning Great Beasts and Legendary Beasts." said Estrella.
Then Estrella looked at her big brother. She smiled, her eyes sparkled like the night sky.
"Mi hermano mayor." said Estrella.
Tears flowed freely from Finn's eyes. Conor, Dawson, and Cordalles smiled at that. Briggan panted a wolfish grin and wagged his tail, Rufumss shook his tail and wrinkled his nose in amusement, and Halawir shook his tail feathers and narrowed his eyes into a smile.
"Mi hermana pequena" whispered Finn.
The two of them hugged again, before Lady Camila came into the room.
"I need to know about this new conquerors, how dangerous are they?" said Lady Camila.
While Finn explained to Lady Camila about Zeirf and Zeirf's friend and ally, Maddox, Estrella and the others sat at the far end of the table.
"What did you and Finn say?" asked Meilin.
"My big brother." whispered Estrella.
"And what did Finn say?" asked Rollan.
"My little sister." clarified Conor.
Estrella gave Conor a thankful look.
"Where did your parents go?" asked Abeke.
"Our parents went a monsatary to heal and the monsatary is by Trunswick, the monsatary is called 'The Kaitlyn'." said Estrella.
"Do you want to be a Greencloak?" asked Cordalles.
"I just happy to know my family, with a new friend, who understands me, is with me, a spirit animal is like a piece of your hidden self, that you didn't know it existed and your as your closest family member." said Estrella.
"Do you want to go to the monsatary?" asked Conor.
"That's will be Finn's idea." replied Estrella.
"But I don't mind being part of the Keeper's Companions and be a Greencloak." said Estrella.
Mithra sat down on Estrella's shoulder. If she kept putting her full weight on her shoulder like this, Estrella will definitely will have a sore shoulder. "Go ahead, Mithra," she murmured to her hawk. "I know you want to hunt."
But Mithra seemed out of sorts. She chirped a little, she fluffed her neck feathers to out loose feathers and bits of dirt, and settled in even more. She seemed completely content to stay put, instead of going out for a good hunt. But then with a screech, Mithra, Essix, and Halawir flew out of the window and went out for hunt.
While Estrella, Rollan, and Cordalles stood fuming and confused at the birds.
"You can take Estrella to Port Katalin, just follow Briggan's Trail and it will lead you to the Briggan's Trail." Lady Camila was saying to Finn.
Estrella looked at Ingrid, Michalina, Serenity, Illona, Conor, Abeke, Rollan, Meilin, Dawson, Cordalles, and Morgin,who all looked bemused and confused.
Lady Camila looked at Estrella, before saying. "You need to stay here, and then you can go on the trail."
It was clear enough that Estrella knew she will be heading towards Greenhaven.

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