Heart breaker.

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Sooo about last night

11:30am nothing

12:30 nothing

2:00 nothing

Sorry my phone died!
Read 2:45pm

It's fine!
Read 2:50pm

Sorry about last night tho! I was a bit drunk and high!
Read 3:00pm

It's fine
I actually do kinda like you though.

Hours go by and I look up st the door to see Dustin walk in. He looks over at me and then back down to the ground with a smile. "Go on your break." My manager says. I walk to the back and see Dustin again. "You haven't replied." I tell him. "Oh hey there! I'm sorry, my phone died again!"
"Oh it's fine." I  shrug it off. He grabs his phone and looks at it with a smile
"I will reply just give me a bit." Dustin walks off with that and I sit down thinking of what the hell just happened. I go through the day having to see him every second. What the fuck did I get myself into. Everybody knows you never get together with a coworker! Ever! I take my last break right as I get a text.
Last night was fun but uh I'm not really looking for a relationship. I'm sorry if I hurt you...

annnnd there goes my heart.

No it's fine :) I don't want a relationship either. Plus you're one of my best friends.

Wow spot the lie amirite!?

I toss my phone to the side and grown.

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