You Didnt Take Adventage Of Me

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Dustin didn't spend the night. He went to s party with a friend and then another party and a party after that. I was mad. The plan was for him to come over and stay the night but he bailed. Like he always does.
I feel like I took advantage of you... I'm really sorry!

You didn't take advantage of me.

Are you sure?

I remember last night perfectly, I remember kissing Dustin in the park, I remember watching the stars with him, I remember him holding me because I was cold and then is deciding to get up and start running around. I remember him pulling me closer and smiling st me. "You're so damn drunk." I giggle. "Mmm how can you tell?" "I'm practically getting drunk off of you right now." "Oh I'm not that drunk! I can prove it to you!" "Okay." I grin wider. "How?" He asks. "Kiss me again." I lick my lips ready. "I was thinking you would say dance or something." He leans in and gives me a sloppy kiss. "I would like to see you dance!" I pull away and I swear that whole night was like a fucking teenage romantic  movie. He spun me around and we skipped along until both falling on the ground laughing. "I want to have sex with you." He says propping himself up on his elbow and looking st me. "And I do you but I haven't shaved down there..." "that's what you're worried about?!" He laughs. "I don't care!" Dustin says with s grin. "But I do." I tell him and lean up for a kiss. "Well when you're ready you know where I live." "Okay." I smile.

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