Revealed secrets

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I sat and talked with the guild members for a while until maxi and max got back. I stood up and walked toward them to receive the information they had gathered. Dodge ran up and jumped into my arms excited, it interested me since he was usually calm.

"Jenna and I got down to a foot and a half today!"

"Awesome, keep it up and you'll be a foot in no time!"

"It's kinda sad that one months worth of training get them better than us with 300 years of it." Maxi complained.

"That's only because we've been training harder than ever, we have to if we want to win next time." Max explained the obvious, he was like the blue crayon.

"So what's the news, anything important?" I asked.

"Not really, except for some refugees. They're staying near or in crocus, habit I guess." Maxi said, I wasn't surprised since Draco was a close nit country. That was the only reason we haven't had a war in the last 300 years.  

"So have you told them yet?" Max asked.

"Um....told them what...?" I said in a weird voice, they just shook their heads. Depending on what it is my lying sucks. 

"We're not doing it, you were the one who decided to wait. You dug your own grave." Maxi said curtly. I rubbed the back of my head. 

"I'll start with Gildarts okay, I just have to find him." I told them. He wouldn't freak as much as the others.

"He's in the woods with Porlyusica." Bisca said. 'Thanks a lot bisca!'

I went out the door and headed east, I didn't run since I had to think of some way to tell him. How do you tell someone you're a dragon for Irene's sakes. (Aphmau're welcome.) I finally got to the woods and stalled by petting a deer and a bunny. I finally found gilly and porlyusica, they were just talking to each other. I just tuned out the conversation and waited. When the noise stopped I turned and stepped out, apparently porlyusica had felt my presence since they were both turned.

"I didn't hear anything, selective hearing." I explained.

"What are you doing here?" She asked annoyed.

"I needed to talk to gilly." She smiled a bit at the nickname I had given him.

"What is it?" He asked worried.

"I need to talk to you alone, I can wait for you guys to finish up." I said turning.

"Why can't you say it while I'm here!?" She said.

"Huh...I guess it doesn't matter. I can still wait till you're finished." I said.

"We were actually finished." Gildarts said. I turned again with annoyance. 'Of course you are, jackass.'

"Umm...well..." I stumbled a bit. "You know I'm not human right?"

"Yeah of course, you've said that before." Gildarts says leery.

"But you don't know what I am really." I said slowly. He finally figured out what I had to say.

"So, what are you?" Porlyusica said.

"A...dragon." I said this while looking down, I felt bad for keeping it a secret for so long.

"Are you going to tell the slayers?" I looked at him in surprise.

"I don't know, I'm only now telling you this. I don't know how I'm going to tell anyone else." I rubbed my forehead.

"I'm going to ask this for them now, do you know where their dragons are?" 

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