Chapter 1

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Eliza's POV

"It's such an interesting idea" Gabe said as he held all three of the human centipede movies in his hands.

"You seem obsessed with them movies" I sighed "what even was the third one"

"That's because they are genius, and 100% medically accurate" I just glared at him. Every since he watched the movies a month ago he was fixated.

"But I can't see the people in it lasting long, infection, insanity, lack of vitamins and nutrients and tons of other shit like blood lost, bacteria in the intestines, mixed blood-"

"I get the picture" Gabe said cutting me off "but in all it's beauty just imagine it, the chain of humans sharing a gastric system" he smiled and placed the DVDs to his heart

"You are sounding really creepy right now you know" I then began to stand my self up "anyway I'm going to be going home now"

I had been at Gabes all day. We were close friends and had been for most of our life. We got along just fine, just occasionally he did seem to But I guess everyone is

"Okay, do you need a ride home?" He asked as he placed the films down and began to walk over to me. I looked out the window and saw it was dark out. I had walked my way over for some exercise but hadn't planned staying so late. It would only be a couple minute drive

"I think so" I said as I lifted up my bag and coat.

We walked and were instantly hit by rain. I pulled my hood up and did a fast sprint over.

I opened the passenger side door and climbed in, I checked though my bag to make sure I had everything while Gabe climbed in

"Shoot, I left my phone charger, do you mind if I" I said as I pointed to his house. He nodded

"Yeah sure"

I climbed out of the car and sprinted back to the house.

When inside I instantly began to rummage for it, trying to remember where I had it last.

I couldn't find it in the living area, maybe I had left it in his bedroom.

I walked in and saw it by the side of his bed so I went and picked it up. As I lifted my arm back up it scares something hard on the bed. I was confused as to why something hard would be sticking out of his bed so I went to get a closer look.

I saw something black sticking out so I lifted the mattress slightly and pulled out what looked to be a book.

It was plain on the outside and black. I wondered what it was, maybe Gabe had a Diary. Before I had the chance to open it I heard Gabe honk his horn so I quickly placed the book back, lifted my charger and made my way back outside.

I got back in the car

"You took your time" Gabe laughed slightly

"Yeah sorry, I couldn't find it" I laughed back as Gabe started up the car. I placed the charger into my bag and Gabe began to drive

"Say if you were in the centipede, where would you like to be" he asked me, quickly glancing his head over

"Gabe stop" I said nudging him slightly as a shiver ran through me

"No seriously, just out of curiosity"

"Erm I guess the front, I'd rather not be stapled to someone's ass and forced to ingest their shit" I replied with and watched Gabe nod his head. For reason reason I was getting a creepy vibe from him but it was dark out. And night is when everything seems a whole lot scary and suspicious

"Oh look, the old school seems to be finally shut down" I said as I turned my head to the now bordered up building. It had been empty for months now since they moved location, they didn't know what to do with the building or land so I guess they just decided to leave it, boarded up for squatters and the curious.

Gabe clipped his head to it and I heard him mutter something

Duvet? Prevet? Perfect?

What ever he said it probably wasn't important.

We arrived at my house and before I got out Gabe moved his hand down to my leg

"Not tonight" I muttered as I climed out

"Alright, see you tomorrow, come down at, I dunno let's say 9pm, we can watch a movie or something" he called from inside the car

"Why so late, do you have plans" I joked as I backed to my house a little

"Like you wouldn't believe" he said before restarting his car. I waved to him and called bye as he drove off and he did the same.

I then turned and walked into my house.

Centipede of humans (Gabe Helmy) Where stories live. Discover now