Chapter 8

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Trigger warning- it's the human centipede it's gonna be gross af and also touching sensitive topics which some may struggle with and/or be triggered by. If you've seen the movies you know, but rape, gore, abuse and all that shit, including shit, will be in this story. Just to let ya know. Enjoy.

Eliza's pov

I woke up tasting blood. My throat burned like crazy and my body felt weak. I was laying over that children's climbing thing and I saw gabe with a Polaroid camera taking pictures

"Eliza" he said when he noticed I was conscious again. I didn't know how long I was out for but it mustn't have been too long. "Just taking pictures to remember the moment, got it down you finally but now we must play the waiting game, see if this thing really does work"

I glared at him with weak eyes. I couldn't even speak his name from the pain in my throat. He chuckled as he wafted a photo in his hand and brought it over to me. It was a picture of the current moment we were in. The centipede in all its glory. I wanted to throw up. Seeing it brought a light to the true horror of it. We were living some sort of horror movie. This shit was fiction why was it happening.

"She's beautiful" he whispered and began to stroke my head. I saw his eyes glance at the other. I wanted to see their eyes. I wanted to know what the felt. I then began to feel my stomach twist and I knew what was happening. My lactose intolerance. I wanted to apologise. I wanted to tell them I was sorry I didn't notice the signs sooner. I want them to know that I'm as shook as they are about what this mans done. That I wouldn't have let him do this to them if only I knew.

The white power in the cups. The later hour. The "perfect" spot.

They were all warning signs...

The obsession. The notebook. His shopping cart

For god sake! How did I never spot this coming. I mean yes I thought he was a sane guy but why didn't my brain at least suggest it. We wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't been so clueless. If I'd have just connected it, no matter how much my brain probably didn't want me to.

My eyes watered and gabe put the photo down

"Her empty stomach is reactions fast to it" he said, lecturing us almost. He wanted a show from this didn't he. Harry began to violently muffle and so did his parents. They knew phrase two and it was honestly and literally very shitty. Tears rolled down my cheeks dropping onto the floor. Free.

"Calm it" gabe snapped "I'll whip you" you threatened. They did quieten down a little but I could feel Harry's distress. I can't imagine it's something anyone would look forward to, or aim to ever do in their life but for him he had no choice.

My stomach over time was growing more and more painful, I clenched and wiggled trying to defeat the inevitable. But after a while my body couldn't take it anymore and let go...

I closed my eyes. I tried to shut out the muffler coming from harry, his mouth moving violently against my ass, ripping at the stitches. They were open wounds and sure to get very infected. But still I remained trying to block it out.

But though everything I could hear s noise. A noise I was familiar with. It was Gabe moaning softly. I opened one eye to see his pants has bulged up. He was turned on by this... words can't describe how disgusted I was. He slid his hands onto his pants and kept harsh eye contact with my rear end. He then moved his hands out and brought them to his pants and began to take them off.

I didn't want to think about what he planned to do next, but unfortunately he didn't leave it to my imagination and went straight to the back of the centipede. I closed my eyes again and prayed to Jesus that he'd let this moment block from my mind. But Maggie began to scream, muffled of course, but still frantically screaming. Then my body began to rock back and forth and I knew he was doing the unthinkable

"I can tell your husband doesn't make good use of this hole" he grunted and I squeezed my eyes a little extra tighter. "Very tight". Peter began to muffled and it sounded like desperate anger. I mean some sadistic bastard was raping his wife's arse while his sons mouth is full on shit. Not the best state he's seen the family in.

Her muffled screams were desperate too and I could feel water dropping onto me. Harry was crying too.

I lent my head forward and began to cry. The pain in my throat was nothing compared to the nightmare going on around me, thick cries escaped my mouth. Loud enough to slap this nonsense out of Gabe but he still carried on.

Cries mean nothing to him. Nothing to a man who was torturing innocent people because of some fascination. In fact maybe the cries were turning to him on. I mean my body was being thrown back and forth faster and more violently with every cry we, as a centipede, made.

Centipede of humans (Gabe Helmy) Where stories live. Discover now