Chapter 2

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Eliza's pov

I woke up with a long list of errands I had to do for the day. I had to go shopping, get my nails done, dentist appointment, tidy and all that fun stuff. I climbed out of bed with a sigh then went to get ready.

Once I was dressed and ready I headed out of the door ( I understand now that it seems boring but I need to get all these over before the fun stuff can start)

My first stop was the supermarket, I needed more Oreos and rum and a few other bits and bobs. I walked inside and grabbed a trolley because we all know when you walk in saying you're only buying two things your going to walk out with two trolleys worth.

As I was eyeing up a huge gnome stature as I saw a familiar face come around the corner

"Gabe?" I asked as we locked eyes, he looked slighty stunned and moved infront of his trolley

"Eliza, hi, I didn't think i'd being seeing you this early" he said as he forced a slight laughed

"yeah well I needed some stuff" I glanced at this trolley and its strange content got me curious. He had tubes and rope and duct tape, rubbing alcohol, thread, knives and all that crazy stuff "what are you getting" I asked and indicated to his trolley. He froze for a second before saying

"just some stuff for a video" he said rubbing the back of his head. I raised my eyebrow slightly but I wouldn't put it past him.

we then both began to part ways and I carried on with my shopping. For some reason though I couldn't get the thought of Gabe out of my mind and I couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right with him.

I brushed the thought aside and went to just carry on with my day. 

Gabe's pov

"so this will knocked them out?"

"Yes, it's a date rape drug so It does what it says on the label"

"and I just pop it into their drink?"

"yes, simple as pie"

Eliza's POV

The day went on and it was finally 9pm and I had only just arrived at Gabes. Something seemed, well, dark. I don't know why but it just felt like something off was going on.

He opened the door and greeted me inside.

"Eliza, I've got some people from Craigslist coming over to collect something" he said as I went to take a seat

"This late at night!" I laughed slightly even though it honestly freaked me out. This plague freaked out feeling was honestly starting to worry me a lot, maybe I was being super paranoid but something didn't seem right. Gabe seemed off.

"They could be creeps" he said, but he tone wasn't joking like you'd expect, it seemed devious. Like it would be good if they were.

I shuddered slightly and I turned back to him

"Can I have a drink?" I asked. My throat did feel dry

"Yeah sure what do you want?"

"Coffee please, I'm a little sleepy" I laughed slightly. Gabe got up and went to the kitchen, the floor plan was open so I was able to watch him but I didn't. Instead I went on my phone and opened Pinterest and began to browse.

Gabe came back with me coffee and sat down next to me.

"When are they coming?" I asked as I blew on my drinks

"I said for them to come after 9. I guess they are running late"

"Yes they are preparing their van for when they kidnap us" I laughed with an unnerved tone. I took a sip of my drink

"Or they are caught up with a broken tire" Gabe said. I turned to him and he flashed me his phone

One of our tires has broken. It should only take us 10 minutes to change it. We won't be long, sorry for the hold up

I nodded to indicate I had read it

"There's a storm outside too" Gabe said and I turned my head to look out the window and rain was heavily pouring and only now had I began to hear it tapping on the windows.

"I'm going to be back in a second" Gabe said as he stood up and walked off. I pulled my phone back out and finished my coffee.

I was curious as to why he had dispersed for so long but he came back as I was taking the finale sip of my drink

"What took you so long?" I asked, I tried to make it seems like I was joking but I heard how serious my voice came out.

"You've never complained before with me taking my time" he winked before sitting down again next to me.

That's when I started to feel my heart pound and I felt off and sick.

"Gabe" i breathed out as I placed my hand on my head "what did you put in my drink" I asked. He looked at me confused then it hit him.

"Oh shit I forgot you have de caf" he laughed. I rolled my eyes

"You know how I feel when I have caffeine, just get me some water" I said just as the door bell rang. "I'll get it myself, you answer the door"

I began to stand up and walk to the kitchen. Gabe went to the door and opened it as I opened his cupboard. I pulled out a cup which had some white stuff at the bottom of it. Ew. Gabe needed to clean better. I place the cup down and reached towards a clear glass.

I turned around to turned on the tap as three people entered the room.

I got my drink and took sips as Gabe came over to my direction

"Do you all wants drinks, I can warm you up with a hot drink" he said he opened the cupboard and pulled out three cups, including the one I saw the powder in.

"If you wouldn't mind, I can't feel my fingers" 

Centipede of humans (Gabe Helmy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt