Chapter 4

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Eliza's POV

When I had a brief thought of wanting Harry to eat my arse I didn't mean it like this.

I had opened my eyes. I was in pain. My knees and my arse were burning.

I was in a dazed when my eyes first opened I couldn't see anything clearly or understand anything that was going on.

It took a few moment for me to see what I was staring at.

I was staring at a chain. Of people. Through a mirror that was placed angled on the wall.

We were all on our knees.

Me. Harry. Peter. Maggie

I wanted to scream instantly but when I opened my mouth my throat shot with agony. It felt scratched and burned. Like a tube had been down me.

I was shaking and still in too much shock to understand what was actually happening and it only hit me when Gabe walked in.

"Gabe" is all I Managed to whisper out

"The sun is rising, soon you will be able to see in full light the beauty I have created" he said. He was holding that black book I saw under his bed and through the hazed room I saw that we were in the old school. We were obviously in the hall, there was a board and stacked chairs and old work.

As I moved my eyes around and saw in a corner was a sheet covered in blood which tools on and bandages and shit like that. Shit that he used to do this to us. I also saw tubes. Untouched and un bloody. All expect one. Which looked to have some clear liquid on it with a few specks of blood.

I felt tugging from behind me and muffled screaming.

"Stop" I could only whisper as the tugging grew intense. It was agony for me. I looked into the mirror, through the disgust I saw that we were stitched together with wire

"Now I did this my way, I only have limited resources and time, but it should do. I can fix you if needed. There's been no surgery, but if you do anything don't think I won't hesitate to attempt it" he said and I felt tears roll down my face.

He was my best friend why did he drag me into this. I mean he listened to me wanting to be at the front but still

I could feel water drip onto my butt and I realised Harry was crying too.

I wish I could speak. I'd chat with Gabe. What I realised is that In the movie is that slits from the arse are sewn to the cheeks. Gabe only wired together the skin, which means it can be undone without serious damage. And if I stayed good on my end he wouldn't mutate me good. It's just behind me I was scared off. If they resisted he would hurt them. When we were alone i knew to tell them maybe we can make it okay if they keep calm. I know Gabe and yes he has the fascination he might get bored of it and let us go. Or just me.

Gabe was watching us and smiling. He made something he'd been fascinating over and now he was admiring it. Like a baby he'd birthed.

"I don't know what to do next" he laughed "how about we get you all to move" he said. He walked off to his corner of tools then came back with a whip.

The chain began me began to shake again and I heard squeals but I kept myself quiet and relaxed.

"I have nailed your knees to keep you down so you may heard some tapping"

Again the moaning from behind me started up again and I felt tugging

He moved to the side of us and I heard his whip lash and a deep groan. I knew we needed to at least try and move.

I moved one arm forward than another, my knees where burning with pain and I was heavily breathing through it. The chain moved behind me and yes tapping was heard on the floor. Gabe whipped out a few more time to try and make up go faster. I was never touched my the chain even though it was me controlling the speed.

We moved about two meters before stopping. I was in too much pain to carry on and my arms were starting to burn too.

I turned to face the monster of a former friend and saw him yawn. He had been up for hours doing this so I'd expect he'd be wanting rest

"I'm sleepy" he started "I'll be back later to check on you and feed you to see if this works" he says as he placed the whip back and began to make his way out.

I waited a few minutes before forcing raspy words out of my throat

"Remain calm. He won't do anything serious if you don't fight"

I could hear Maggie begin to weep and I could now only see her reflection in the mirror and her back was shaking.

I couldn't believe this was happening

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