Chapter 9

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Authors pov

sorry I've been gone for so long I was on holiday and also was caught up in some other stuff, and now I'm back bitches, I kinda don't remember the plot but imma go with it.

Eliza's pov

Silence. Not even wimping. Just silence. I was staring at nothing, thinking of nothing. When you fall into hell you can't react, especially when you're innocent. Surrounded in a world for the evil and monsters. It's not your world. Not where you belong. Not even where god planned, you were stolen and thrown off the ladder so you'd crash down here. You know nothing of the darkness, you can't navigate your way around, you can't do anything. You can't react.

The silence was broken when Gabe came back in. He was carrying what looked like a tool box and placed it down

"I'm going to make this place centipede friendly, you know since this is your home now we need to make some changes" I felt my skin crawl. It was silly of me but I still had a false hope that this would end. Gabe did seem to grow bored of things quickly and maybe he'd give this up sooner or later. But he was acting out of character a lot, he seemed like an imposter wearing Gabes skin.

He looked around for a moment

"I don't know if I thought this through" he said as he scratched his head a little. I mean we were on the ground floor, where a flat surface were the whole set up to move room to room, and why would we need to leave anyway. We eat, sleep and breath here. We can't move it hurts us to much. We have no reason but to stay. And oh god I've triggered myself. I started to let out sobs as the reality came crashing down. I kept trying to forgot, distance myself but in the end I kept being thrown back down.

"I mean for starters I need to seal this place off, just in case you crazy bunch try anything" he said, speaking to us like 5 year olds. "Eliza, why are you crying. Are you hungry" he asked as he walked closer and grabbed ahold of my jaw. His eyes locked with mine and all I saw was mole and dirt. They weren't the eyes of the guy I shared heartache with, laughed and cried with, even stole a pen from the bank with. He wasn't there anymore. A monster had taken over.

Gabe stepped back and walked out the door. He came back soon after with a box of cereal. He kicked over the bowl on the floor and poured in

"I'll be busy to you'll have to eat it yourself" he then squatted down and grabbed the back of my head, grasping at my hair and ragging it downwards, so my face went into the bowl "woof" he laughed as he then stood up and went to his tool box. I glared at the bowl and that's when the anger ran over me again. I felt my hand twitch and with one swift back handed I flung the bowl away, causing it to tip and spill the cereal out

"I'm not some dog" I yelled "I'm human Gabe, which is more than what ever the fuck you are right now". I was too angry to even care about what Gabe would do "let us fucking go now, or kill us Gabe, just don't make us ensure this any longer" I let out a few deep breaths. Gabe hadn't moved but he as steaming at me. Like an owl praying on a mouse  

"Does someone need quieting while daddy works" he said in a perverted tone. I felt my heart pound, rushing my adrenaline through my veins

"You need a fucking reality check" I spat. I noticed gabes eye twitch a little before he reached his hands into the tool box and pulled out a staple gun and then a tube.

Harry began to twist behind me as Gabe grew closer.

Gabe then sat himself in front of me

"I don't know what you are so scared about Harry's, it's only Eliza who's going to suffer"

Just as Gabes hand reached for my head a wet sound was heard along with muffling and soon am ransid odour filled the air. I ducked my head down, but not soon enough as to notice Gabes unnatural smile

And another one bites the dust, or should I say another one swallows the...

I was in too shock to react when Gabes hand roughly pulled on my hair yet again, he ripped backwards, forcing my head up aswell as a yelp escaping my throat. Quickly he grabbed the tube and forced it down, I began to gag and splutter a little but it didn't stop him. He pushed and pushed it down until he seemed satisfied. Pain ran through my body causing me to shake. Gabe pulled my head down and I let out a blocked cried from the agony it caused me. I started to feel dizzy and I only felt one of the staples enter my lips before i blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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