New Love

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Shaniece's story
"I rather be in bed ,drinking my new bottle of wine while watch a movie."I tell my sister Shanny. Her and her boyfriend Ryan have friends over every other Saturday. Nothing big or special ,just chillin' ,eating good food and interesting conversation. I always say I'll come but never do. Nine times outta ten my kids are with my mom for the weekend and I want to sleep. My Saturday did not go as planned after I dropped my kids off to my mom. "You live like old ass woman with ten cats. Cooped up in the house doing absolutely fucking nothing! You're thirty  and fine as fuck!" Shanny says aggressively then passes me a shot. This a reminder of why I only drink wine. "Cheers to the weekend."

The topic of relationships is something I try to avoid.I've been anti men for for almost four years now and it's going pretty good. "You can't believe all men are cheaters." Mike says to me. When you've been in a long ass shitty relationship,men are absolute trash. Except the one I'm raising and my step dad ,my sisters found great guys to be with. So not all me. "Not all but ninety eight percent of men are cheaters. That two percent gets over shadowed by that big ass number." I say.

Mike shakes his head,"There are plenty of men ,who will treat you like a queen, be proud to have you by his side, won't  entertain any other woman but his own. Who will show you what love really is Sha!"He explains,"But you also have to be willingly to trust whoever you're with sis." Obviously I know it's a two way street. "That's easy to say. That left a bad taste in my mouth when that situation ended. Men will fuck anything cute and walking.

"It's like pulling teeth with her."Shanny says to Mike, I flip her off."No it's not. I just need good convincing that all men aren't cheaters." I say. I was with my ex husband since I was sixteen years old. When I say he was my first everything, kiss, dates ,sex and all that plus two kids. Around the time I found out I was pregnant with my daughter ,I also found out my ex was cheating with my step sister. That fucks with your head for a while. All of this taking place while I'm pregnant. "You gotta be willingly to take that chance. You might find that man who changes your opinion on men. You can't make the new one pay for the old ones mistakes. The new guy already has a big ass wall he has to break down." This is my second time meeting Daniel but Shanny says he does come over often. He does make a good point it's just hard for me. "Don't make it hard for the good ones."He adds, I nod looking him. "Are you one of the good ones that can change this girls mind?" Erica asks, I roll my eyes. All the attention goes to Daniel. He shakes his head confidently,"Absolutely."

••two weeks later••
Shanny and our little sister Shayla thought it would be a great idea to set me up on a blind date. At first I was against it because I hate blind dates. Then I actually thought about it and realized I need to get out and do a little dating. It's been a year since my last date! That nerve recking feeling of who am I meeting. It's only the first date so I thought sexy ,casual will be good. My sisters disagreed as soon as they saw my outfit. Ripped ,cuffed jeans off the shoulder white shirt with a nude open heel. They chose the sexiest black dress I own ,ripped styled little below my knee. Three long hours of straightening my hair. I didn't do that Shanny did I had no intention on straightening it.

My sisters are here but sitting closer by the door to let me know when he's here. I hate being the first one here all the negative thoughts run through my head. Most importantly being stud up!

Shanny - he just walked in!!

To keep the surprise going ,my back is towards the door so I have no clue who's walking up. I hope this nervous feeling goes away once I know who this person is. Though there's a chance I might not know this guy. Lord I hope I do. Roses are placed in front of me,"For you." I look up to see Daniel. I die laugh which makes him laugh."You went through all of this for a date?"I ask, standing up to hug up. I can't lie it's kind of cute. He takes a seat, "You damn right. The chances of you saying yes to a blind a date were higher  then me actually asking you."

"I would've thought about it. You don't seem like a asshole so that's a plus."I say jokingly. I've seen him once since that Saturday Shanny dragged me out of my house. We talked a little more with a hint of flirting. "But it's a relief that it's you and not someone else."I say. I don't know him personally but I know enough to break the ice. "Me too. " He's very easy to talk to and that's what I like. Quick with the questions and answers. Daniel is one of four kids the oldest, he works in construction and works part time at the bar he owns with Ryan and Mike. He came extremely close to playing baseball professionally until he injured his arm. "Do you ever miss the game?"I ask while stealing one of his shrimps. He smirks ,"A little. I try to think of it as a sign of that not being the right path for me at that time. Plus I had a good plan b. Pay pretty damn good, also investing into the bar was a big help. Whenever I do miss it ,I'll take my nephews out to get the feel back." He's very positive. Tries to see the best in the worst situations. My turn to answer some questions. One thing we do have in common we're the oldest. "Did you stick with the Sh theme with your kids?"Danny asks. He prefers to be called by that name. I smile,"Hell no. That wasn't even a choice for mine. My son Myles ,he's seven and my daughter Val ,she's four."

He nods,"If you don't mind me asking ,what happened with their dad?" That was a hard swallow. "He cheated on me with my step sister two weeks after I found Out I was pregnant with Val." His eyes widen ,"Are they still-" I nod, that is the part.
"Yup last I heard they are engaged. That was six months ago so possibly married."I say. Millions of women in this world he chose someone so close to home. With all the countries he flies to he had options. "Your pop divorced her mom right?" He's in shock to what he's hearing and disturbed."Nope. He said that's none of his business to bud in. Everyone was cut off." We've always had a dysfunctional relationship with our dad since our parents spilt. Him pretty much taking her side was the nail in the coffin for me. My sisters haven't talked to him either since. "Oh fuck. Does he see the kids?"

"Val couldn't point that man out in a line up if she tried. Myles hasn't seen him since he was four or five."I say, it did break heart that my children wouldn't have their father in their life but I had to get over it and put on my big girl undies to play both roles. Luckily I have a great step dad teaches my son everything his dad should've. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Now I understand why you hate men." He says, I knew he probably would. "Not all men. There's a hand full I still like." He leans forward,"Am I in that hand full?" I don't think I've smiled this hard in awhile. "Yeah. Yeah you are."

It was a lot warmer inside then it is outside. "Call or text me when you get home."Danny says while wrapping his arms around me. He smells so good! "Ok I will."

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