Age Gap

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Dating someone ,who is twenty years older then me didn't seem realistic and no way in hell did I think ,him and I would be almost a two year into our relationship. From the start of our relationship I was very hesitant about everything single thing because of our age gap. Obviously he's experienced more in life then I have whether it's relationships or life in general. He's never been married nor does he have kids. Not saying I'm against being with anyone ,who has kids ,I just prefer not to be. Tony's longest relationship ended five years ago, from what he says nothing bad happened they just grew apart and it wasn't healthy for either of them. As for me, my relationship ended three years ago and it was by far the worst. The physical abuse was a nightmare, many nights I didn't think I would leave his house alive. Started to not recognize myself even without the black eyes and bruises on my skin. I had enough of being his punching bag and finally left. By the grace of God, I was able to get a restraining order against him.

Meeting Tony was like breath a fresh air. He treats me ,how my ex first treated me in the beginning of our relationship. Years in and nothing has changed. But he has changed me in a positive way which my family loves. I'm not the one to share my feelings or argue ,I'll walk away until it blows over. We're sitting in each other's faces until I express myself. Even if Tony feels different, he doesn't belittle my feelings or makes me feel like shit. Being in dysfunctional relationship definitely makes you think that way.

The only downfall of our situation is that Tony has been about growing his businesses in California and Atlanta and I'm a preschool teacher in Connecticut. My schedule is more flexible so I fly to Atlanta almost every weekend to see him.. Today is one of those weekends.

Tony owns multiple clubs and construction companies. I honestly wish he had nothing to do with the club scenes because I don't see him much. It's annoying that I come all the way here just to see him and that's only for a few hours before he has to leave again. Yesterday I landed at 6:30 ,Tony picked me up from the airport, we had dinner together then he dropped me off to his house. I can say, he comes in at the same time every morning, seven on then dot.

Just as I start putting away the groceries for tonight's dinner in walks Tony. "Well good afternoon sunshine." I say. He knows I'm annoyed his late hours. Being a teacher ,I get fall ,winter ,spring and summer breaks. I've spent 80% of my breaks here. "Damn I don't get a smile." Tony looks damn good for forty. Nice body, tall (6'6) and the two main things that made me fall in love with him, his kind heart and the D game is damn good. "No because you didn't keep your promise. I let last weekend pass even after you swore up and down that you spend time with me and it hasn't happened." We literally get forty eight hours together ,seventy-two if I get a three day weekend. "I'm sorry for not keeping my word. There's nothing, I love more then coming home to you laying in our bed, holding you, having dinner together. Hell just spending time together." He comes on the other side of the island ,trapping me in. "I was having a shitty day yesterday and just wanted to be with you.  I understand that this is your job and the long night hours you work. But this is the only time we see each other." He turns me around, giving me a sweet kiss. Cupping my face to look directly at him. "What went wrong yesterday?"

"My lawyer told me ,trail starts in two weeks. I asked him, what are the chances of him actually getting time or just probation. From what William says, the most he's looking at is three years, four years is a stretch. Two years would be the most he will get on probation and my restraining order can be extended." I wanted to cry when he told me that shit. The photos of me are horrific. I wore braids once when I was with him and that was the last. He wrapped my braids in his hand and dragged me from one end of his apartment to the other. I had to shave all my hair off and let it grow back. My lawyer has all my photos.

Tony sighs, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. I should've known something was up-"
I cut him off, "Like you always do." There's not many people ,who know when I'm genuinely upset. Tony is one of them. "True and I'm sorry love. This system is fucked up when it comes to abusive relationship. He needs to be doing twenty five to life. Hopefully he gets a judge that will give him more then that bullshit three years." Making me look at him again, "How do you feel?" He makes me express how I'm feeling. Closing off my emotions isn't an option. "I don't feel scared anymore. I'm just dreading having to relive all those moments and seeing him."

He nods, "What can I do?" Genuinely asking. "If you don't mind go to court with me and just continue to be there for me like you have." I say, Tony picks me up ,placing me on the counter. "That's a given. I was going to be there whether you liked it or not, baby girl." Kissing me again, "Am I sorry for not doing better with my schedule. It's bad enough ,we only see each other's on weekends and I'm fucking it up. " He says,"Why don't you come with me tonight?" Tony asks, I was hoping he wouldn't have to go in tonight. "I have tests to grade and I'm on my period." I push him away to get off the counter, my thighs are sticking to it. Grabbing my arm, "Stop baby." He pulls me to his bare chest, I look up to him, "It's fine. Next weekend I have a three day weekend."

"Vi, come on. Please ,I don't want you here alone. Call yours sisters and get you ladies a sections ,bottles and have good time." I honestly don't feel like going out. As much as I would love to go and have a good time with my sisters and Tony ,it won't be happening. "Next time."I kiss him then finish putting away all the groceries.


Tony is normally out of here by 7:30-8:00, tonight he didn't leave until 10:30. Our day went smoothly, no tension nor did I have an attitude. I got what I needed off my chest. We relaxed on the couch , watched movies and I snacked a lot.

I managed to get all of these test graded and I don't have to break any hearts come Monday morning with the scores. I also don't have to complain about the importance of studying because this is the third time my whole class passed these test. I'm doing something right. Now that I'm done with that I scroll through Snapchat to see my sisters having a good time. My baby definitely hooked my sisters and their friends up good. I'm not built like none of my sisters, they have ass for days and a nice racks. I on the other hand just have a nice rack and enough ass that is able to be cuffed. Tony doesn't complain nor suggested anything (we would be done). He's made me more confident and comfortable with my body.

I look at the clock seeing that's 12:30 when I hear the door unlock. I blame my period for making me cry. Tony being here with a dozen white roses and cheesecake. "What the hell."I get up to hug him, and to get my cheesecake. "I love you beautiful."

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