Meeting the children

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It's been six months since Danny and I's first date and we've been seeing each other since. A little over a month into it and a long conversation, Danny didn't really ask more like made it official on his own and I didn't say no. He balances out my crazy life and I add more craziness to his. Danny is extremely chill and mellow, doesn't really care for the massive crowds prefers to do something low key. He has one rule after anyone leaves from hanging out is that texting we made it home is a must. I'm still now sure why or how it started but I haven't really questioned it either.

My kids have never seen me in a relationship ,Val is too young to remember me being with her dad and Myles remembers very little. The thought of introducing them was stressing me out until last week when Ryan watched them for me while Shanny and I went to the store. We came back to Danny being there playing foot ball game with Myles. Danny and Ryan thought I would be mad with them although I would've liked to be for that introduction, I trusted Ryan and Danny to not say too much and they didn't. Myles seemed to like him from the little I saw. Val ,well she's Val. It was important to have that conversation of who Danny was to me ,when we were alone. Especially with Myles. He's older and very protective of me.

We had our talk a few days ago. Val just asked what a boy friend was ,I explained in very little detail the she went on her way. As for Myles ,he had a few more questions. How we met, reasons why I didn't tell him about Danny from the start, how long have we been together. Honestly I thought I was being questioned by one of my sisters.  I was honest but not too honest, he's still a child ,my child. Myles did say he liked Danny. Only because they have the same interests. I'll take ,what I can get. 

Tonight Danny is over for dinner and it's going pretty good. Minus me having to yell at Val. "Where did your nicknames come from?"Danny asks Val, only kids can make a complete mess out of rice. I made chicken burrito bowls. Rice is all over her little matt. "Grammy calls my pooh-pooh like whinnie the pooh not real poo." Val has to make that clear when she tells that story. "I call her loud mouth because she talks too much and too loud."Danny looks to me in disbelief, laughing. This is my life everyday. What's funny is that she has know clue that he's being condescending. "I think Pooh-pooh is my favorite one."

Myles is around women 24/7 so to have a man here ,to talk about sports is pretty exciting for him and I tell by how much he's been smiling. A man ,who loves baseball and came very close to playing pro and a little boy ,who wants to learn go hand in hand. "I'm offended you're looking at someone else to couch him." Danny says to me, making Myles look at me. This was before him and I started talking."In my own defense I haven't met you-"

"Mommy you aren't being nice to Danny."Val says, I did have them call him Mr but he wasn't feeling it. His words were 'I'm dating their mom. They aren't calling me mister Danny.' 
"Yeah Sha ,you aren't being nice."Danny says with a smug look on his face, turning to Myles."Every weekend until season starts we will train. My brother couches my nephews team so hopefully you'll be on a team soon." This is a whole new happy I've seen on my son. Like his face will start hurting from smiling so hard. "Thank you!" I know deep down ,he wants to get up and hug me but he's in that stage of trying to play it cool.

I was pretty scared of Myles and Val's reaction of Danny but everything went pretty well. Danny having nephews and friends ,who have kids helped him for the moment. After dinner all of them helped me clean up then I sent Myles and Val upstairs to take a bath. He's in my shower and she's in their bathtub. "Do they like me?"Danny asks.
I just smile at his concern,"Yeah they do like you. They are pretty honest kids ,zero filter." That's a good and bad thing. Truth be told my children can be assholes.

I dry my hands off ,going to wrap my arms around his neck. Danny places his on my ass. "You and Val's relationship has to be the funniest things I've ever seen." Oh my Valencia...

"That little girl tries me like no other."I say. Val knows when she's pushing her limits with me and I don't think she really cares unless she knows I'm about to whoop her ass. That's when she start apologizing. "I took Myles for granted and didn't appreciate how well behaved he is now I have that demon child."

"She isn't bad thought just says some wild shit that throws me off a little." Danny says. "Stick around long enough and she'll act up." His hand moves  further down, Danny grins realizing I don't have on any underwear. "You can't get rid of me Shaniece." I don't have doubts when it comes to our relationship,I just have fears of something going wrong. Danny is a good man! Seeing how he interacts with my kids now is really making me see ,who he is and I love it.
Before he left ,Danny reminded Myles that he will be here Saturday at eleven for their first practice. My step dad wasn't a big baseball fan so he could only teach Myles so much ,same goes for my brother. They are basketball freaks. Myles likes basketball but not nearly as much as baseball. Danny teaching him means a lot to Myles and myself.

"I think my bedtime should be one o'clock."Val loves to complain. Her bedtime is thirty minutes before Myles. Sometimes an hour depending on what he's getting into. "Well it's a good thing I make the rules around here."I say to her. Myles puts away the book he read to her after she got out of the shower. As much as she annoys Myles ,he can never say no to her. Doesn't like to see her upset ,nine times outta ten gives Val what she wants. We normally have story time together but she's been wanting Myles to read to her. Val's words were 'he does the cartoon voices better then you mommy.' I left it alone since. 
Val sits up after I just tucked her in,"When I go to school will I color a lot?"  It's been a long time coming for this child to start school.

"Yup you'll do all kind of cool things. Little cubbies for your things and a name tag that says Valencia Roberts."I say to get her excited. One day ,she's excited the next she wants to stay with my mom forever. "That's my name!"

"I know baby! You'll have your own desk and make plenty of friends."I say, sometimes she's easy to get along with. I know my child and her ways ,when she isn't being a brat other kids love her.
She looks to Myles,"Will brother be there?" I let him answer. "Not in your class but I'll be in the same building as you. Probably on the same floor so I'll sometimes see you at lunch or recess."  Myles explains to his sister. She seem okay with that answer. Kissed and hug,"Good night pooh ,I love you."

"Love you."

It's rare Myles ever wants to be my little snuggle buddy. I kinda had to force him to sit next to me,"You think you're too big to cuddle with your mom, huh?"I say, while pinch his cheeks. Sometimes I wish I could hit that rewind button on the other hand I love Myles at this age. He's not easily impressed, very opinionated but has a little soft side that very few see. "I'm almost eight mom." That's another thing ,he slowly stopped calling me 'mommy'. I found so much joy in hearing that word from him now I'm just mom. "Do you like Danny?" What he thinks is very important to me. Though it seemed like Myles likes him ,I want to get in the mind of his. "Yeah. I'm excited to learn how to play baseball finally." He says proudly,"Is he nice to you? Like doesn't say any mean things to you." I left their dad when he was five so he remembers some of our arguments that he was around for. I've been a couple bitches.
"He treats me with so much respect. Never called me any mean names, very polite and well mannered. To be honest ,he reminds of you." The biggest sweethearts but only the people ,they care for know that. "Are you happy?" He asks, my little worrier.
"Very. I haven't been this happy with someone in a long time sweetie. He always makes sure I'm happy ,comfortable and safe." I see him processing the little information I gave him. Myles nods,"Okay I approve." I'm shocked he just said that. "Oh you approve honey?"I tickle the bottom of his foot.
"Yes you can be with him since he makes you happy." I just stop. This wonderful boy is mine. Seen too much shit for his age, had to adjust to a whole new life in Jersey. "I love you big boy."

He gives me the shadiest look,"I love you too. Don't stray crying." Asshole. I point to the door,"Good night ,go to sleep."

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