Let me start of by saying sorry because I loveeee to procrastinate everything so it took me forever to actually finish this chapter and it's not edited because hdhdhdhhyshsisi so yea hope you enjoy :))) ( why am I like this)

Jacks pov:

my eyes fluttered open and everything was blurry so I got my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. I looked over to the clock on the table and it was 9 am.
that's new I never wake up this early. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth,shower, and then I took my glasses of and put on my contacts. Then I went into the closet and grabbed my blue hoodie with some light washed jeans and checkered vans.
I made my way to the door trying to be as quite as possible because I didn't want Daniel to wake up. I headed downstairs and texted Alex my best friend and since she's visiting LA so see if she wants to go to a college here,I invited her to come over and hang out.
Jack- wanna come over today and hang out with the boys?
Alex- yea,I would love to
Jack- what time are you coming
Alex - in like 2 hours because I'm checking a college campus right now
Jack- okay, see you then
I'm exited for Alex to meet the boys. I liked her so I was exited to see her. She's great.
I decided to clean up the house a bit since it was kind of a mess because of Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach. Not Daniel because he's as OCD as I am. When I finished i decided to go wake everyone up so they could have time to get ready before Alex got here.
I went to Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach's room to go wake them up. I got the air horn from their dresser and pressed on it for a good minute. Jonah and Corbyn got up and started yelling at me and Zach was under jonah's bed screaming for me to stop.
"I hate your guts" Jonah muttered quietly but I still heard him.
"I hate my guts too, they're gross" I said as I winked at him.
"Anyways, Alex is coming over to hang out so i came to wake you guys up to get ready" I said and then left them to get ready.
Then I went to me and Daniel's room to wake him up. To my surprise he was already ready and he was wearing a yellow long sleeve and some black ripped jeans and his white vans.
"Good morning Daniel"
"Good morning jack"
"Alex is coming over today"
"Is Alex your friend from back home?"
"Yea, she's coming here to meet you guys and I'm exited because I really like her"
For a second I thought saw sadness flash into Daniel's eyes but he's great at hiding things so he smiled at me and said "I'm exited to meet her".
We're all in the living room watching tv when we hear the doorbell ring. I got up to go open the door to then reveal Alex.
"Omg jack I missed you"
"I missed you too Alex" we said as we gave each other a tight hug. I waked her into the house and introduced her to the guys.
After I introduced her to all the guys Jonah had the idea to go swimming so we're now heading to our rooms to change and Alex is changing in the downstairs bathroom. I went into the closet and picket out my red swimming shorts and just changed in the closet.
When I get out the closet I see Daniel on his bed listening to music through his headphones and his eyes are closed. I walk up to his bed and sat down.
His eyes opened big and he sat up. Shit I guess I scared him.
"Aren't you going swimming"
"Nah, I'm not in the mood and I also don't want anyone to see my arms"
" do you want me to stay and keep you company"
"No you go have fun with Alex and make her fall in love with you" he said winking at me and we both laugh.
"Okay, I will" I said winking back at him.

Daniel's pov:
"No YoU gO hAvE FuN anD maKE hEr FaLL iN LoVe wItH yOu" gegehdhdhhshd why do I do this to myself. But then again all I want is for jack to be happy with Alex even if it's at the cost of my own happiness. Why am I like this.
After jack left I sat at the window and looked out into the backyard and saw everyone in the pool.
A while went by and then I heard something different blast and I looked down and I think Zach accidentally made the volume too high. Everyone started laughing.
I looked over at jack and Alex and they were holding hands and talking about something. Then a few seconds later they kissed and all the boys cheered. My heart dropped and I started hyperventilating so I grabbed my inhaler from the beside table and used it.
I went into the bathroom ready to use my razor but then I couldn't find it. I looked for the other ones because I had multiple but then I didn't find any.... jack. He must have taken them.
I then looked for a sharpened in the desk in our room. I found one and broke it and then took out the razor. I went in the bathroom and cut 2 new lines into my arm. It felt good and I forgot about jack for a bit. I stop at 2 though because if I did more jack may notice and get mad at me for doing it.
I cleaned of my arm and the razor and and put the razor behind my phone and covered it with my case.
Now I have to pretend to be happy every time I see jack and Alex. As soon as I though this I felt something coming from my nose and I got a tissue and tried to cover my nose so I wouldn't stain anything. Some blood still managed to get on my bed and my bed sheets are white too.
While I was getting more tissues i heard the door open and it was Zach and he wasn't in his swimsuit anymore instead he was wearing black jeans and a t shirt. He walked over to my bed and sat down.
"Wow Daniel, did you finally get your period" he said pointing to the red spot on my bed from my nose bleed.
"Hahaha your so funny Zach"I said sarcastically at him.
"I try" he said winking at me and I just roll my eyes.
"Anyways I came to tell you to get out of your sweatpants and get ready because we're going out for dinner" he said.
"Why" I asked.
"We're celebrating Alex and jack dating" he said simply.
" okay let me wash my face and get changed and I'll be down in a bit".
Zach left and I got of my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face since there was blood on it.
I then put on a button down shirt and black jeans and got my phone.
I wasn't really exited to go to celebrate Alex and jack but I was hungry so I decided to go to dinner. I was now downstairs and everyone was sitting on the couch on their phones.
"Let's go now that Daniel's here" said Zach.
We all walked over to the car and Jonah said he would drive and Corbyn was in the passenger seat. Jack and Alex said they would sit in the back so Zach and I sat in the middle row.
The drive was going to be pretty long because of traffic so I leaned my head on the window and looked outside.
Jonah and Corbyn are talking about something, Zach is on his phone, and jack and alex are making out so I just close my eyes and try to think of something else.
After a while jack and alex stop making out and they join Jonah and Corbyn's conversation and then so does Zach.
"You've been pretty quiet the whole drive Daniel" and then everyone stops talking and focus on me waiting for me to reply.
" oh um I'm just thinking" I said simply.
" about what"
when he realized I wasn't going to give a specific answer he just gave up and went back to talking to Corbyn.
We reach a stop and I look up and see that we're at the Cheesecake Factory. We all got out the car and made our way to the entrance. Their was a line since its a Saturday night and it's always packed on Saturday nights. While we were waiting jack and Alex started making out again. And I scrunched up my face.
This is going to be a long night..

I know your probably like ahhhh but jack and daniel , don't worry , give it time I just don't want to rush into their relationship. hope you enjoyed anyway :))

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