I'm sorry but who gave him the right to knock all the oxygen out of my lungs.

Sorry for the slow updates. Every time I go to write a chapter I get lazy haha and it's not edited because um- yea.(ft my favorite picture of jack)

      Daniel's pov:
I woke up to knocking on my door and I got up and opened it yo reveal Anna.
"Get ready we're all going out to eat breakfast"
"Well good morning to you too"
"Daniel just go get ready" she said laughing at me.
I closed the door and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower.
I then got changed into a band shirt, light washed ripped jeans, and my white vans. Then I got my phone and headed downstairs.
When I got downstairs I everyone on the couch watching tv.
"Good morning everyone" I said greeting them.
"Good morning Daniel" greeted my mom,dad,and Tyler.
"Let's go I'm starving" Anna said and they got off the couch and we headed to the restaurant.
The ride wasn't that long. I looked at my surroundings and saw a lake and the restaurant was facing the lake. We went into the restaurant and a waiter guided us to our table.
We sat at a table that was outside and had a perfect view of the lake.
"My name is Calum and I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you of with some drinks"
Hes cute, I though to myself. He has dark brown hair with hazel eyes and sharp features. But he's not jack.
"I'll have coffee" my mom and dad both said in sync and we laughed.
"I'll have orange juice"- Anna
"I'll just have water" - Tyler
"I'll have lemonade" I said.
"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks in a bit" the waiter said. With that he left and we just started talking about random things.
       "So how's everything thing with the band going" asked my mom.
     "Uh everything's going great, our song recently hit #1 on Spotify and Apple Music"I said responding to her question.
"That's great! We're really proud of you and the guys for working so hard" she said smiling.
  "Thanks" I said smiling back at her.
After about five minutes more of talking about random things our drinks came and we all said thank you and the waiter asked for our order.
           After we ordered we started talking again. While I was drinking my water my dad randomly decides to ask..
"So when should I be expecting grandchildren" 
I almost spit out my water but I managed to gulp it down before I spit it out. And my face turned as red as a fire truck.
"Dad you left him flushed" Anna said laughing at my dad.
"Hahahha its obviously a joke"my dad replied laughing.
    We all started laughing and Tyler's laugh is so loud it made the people around us stare at our table. When we finally calmed down,the waiter was coming with our food.
He gently laid each of our plates in front of us and we thanked him.
"Do you guys need anything else" he asked politely.
"We're good, thank you" I said.
He smiled at me and replied "okay, and if you do just call for me"
"Okay" I replied and with that he left.
"Ooo Daniel I think he likes you" Tyler said out of nowhere and my parents and sister nodded smiling at me.
"Oh shut up and eat your food Tyler" I responded glaring at him and they all laughed.
We all finished our food and I needed to go to the bathroom so I excused myself from the table as another waiter was giving my dad the bill.
On my way to the bathroom I got lost and bumped into calum.
"Uh sorry" I said looking at him.
"It's fine" he smiled quickly walking away.
I then found the bathroom and quickly used it. After I finished I walked back to my table and they got up and we left to go back home.
           When we got home I went up to my room and started playing my guitar to just pass time. While I was playing I decided I was going to record myself to post on Instagram since I haven't posted in a while.
          After I finished recording myself I put a filter on the video and posted it to my Instagram. It instantly started to get likes and comments and I was reading some of them and people seemed to be enjoying the video.
          Then I saw jack's comment and I stopped breathing for a couple seconds.

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